Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 5-20-16 Online Edition
P. 8

Lack Of Security At WalMart Stores Puts Burden On Local Law Enforcement
Tween’s Love Of The Water
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
Since the new Wal-Mart Store at 1720 East Hillsbor- ough opened, there have been indications that they need to do something about their security.
City Councilman Frank Reddick said the problem is local law en- forcement personnel are being called to Wal-Mart stores to deal with incidents that amount to minor or misdemeanor infractions.
“The new store on East Hillsborough has had its share of police calls, and I just can’t justify officers being taken off the street to deal with something that ei-
BY KENYA WOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer
It was love at first dip when three-year-old Jayson Red- dick first waded into a pool in his backyard.
“We couldn’t keep him out it,” said Jeffrey Reddick of his son, who is now 12. “He did- n’t want to do anything else.”
Nine years later, Jayson is still wading into pools – now as a competitive swimmer.
And he’s not just any com- petitive swimmer. This spring, Jayson snagged the honor as the Florida state champion in the 50-, 100- and 200-freestyle during a meet in Sarasota.
The accomplishment earned Jayson, a member of the Greater Tampa Swim Asso- ciation, recognition as the top swimmer in his age group.
Coach Ryan Gober said Jayson is known for his ag- gressive swim style and “great feel for the water.”
“He’s a great athlete and a talented kid,” Mr. Gober said. A student at Boys Prepara- tory Academy at Franklin Mid- dle Magnet, Jayson said swimming is more than just an-
other form of recreation.
He’s preparing for a swim- ming career that will go all the
way to the Olympics.
“It’s a lifetime dream,” he
said. “That’s what I want to ac- complish.”
Jayson, who counts Olympic gold medalists Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte as heroes, said he doesn’t follow a prescribed diet or exercise regimen to stay in shape.
“I just eat and workout,” he said.
But what he does follow is a tight practice schedule that re- quires he be in the pool five times a week.
Jayson Reddick is the state champion in the 50, 100 and 200 freestyle in his age group.
Competitive swimming can be demanding on athletes, so Jayson’s parents say they keep their son involved in other sports – including basketball and baseball – to reduce ex- haustion from his favorite sport.
Jayson also sings in the choir at his church, Allen Tem- ple AME, said his mother Si- mone Reddick.
“We constantly try to guard against burn out,” Mr. Red- dick said. “At home, we try not to put any pressure on him about swimming.”
Jayson’s expectations of himself are high, said Mrs. Reddick.
“He has a competitive spirit,” she said. “He says he doesn’t like to lose.”
Competitive swimming re- quires athletes put in their best individual effort, Jayson said.
“Your self-esteem has to be good because if you don’t have the confidence, you won’t do well,” he said.
A future in competitive swimming is bright for Jayson, whom others have called “the real deal”, said Coach Ryan.
“He’s an exceptional ath- lete,” he said. “He’s got a long road ahead of him.”
ther in-store security should handle, or off duty officers.
“I’ve made contact with representatives from Wal- Mart’s corporate offices and told them they need to come up with a better security system. They can’t continue to have police responding to misdemeanor offenses.”
Councilman Reddick
said he also wants to talk with Tampa Police Chief Eric Ward to find out how his department is being im- pacted by constantly re- sponding to WalMart.
“A recent incident was a perfect example of the prob- lem. A young man removed an energy drink bottle from a display table, and was
walking out of the door without paying for it. In- stead of in-store security handling the problem, they called police.
“WalMart must either hire more off-duty officers, or hire an outside security company.”
Councilman Reddick
said the new East Hillsbor- ough Store has had enough incidents since it opened to warrant them beefing up se- curity.
“My discussions with Wal-Mart’s corporate of- fices are ongoing, and I want them to put something in place that would handle their security issues that don’t warrant police being called.”
Has Led Him To Become
A Champion Swimmer
City Of Tampa Revises Solid Waste Collection Schedule For The Memorial Day Holiday
City of Tampa offices will be closed on Monday, May 30, 2016 in observance of the Me- morial Day holiday. As a result, customers scheduled for collection service or, needing access to the McKay Bay Transfer Station on Monday, May 30, 2016 will be affected.
Residential accounts: There will be no collection on Monday, May 30, 2016. Normal garbage service will resume on the next scheduled service day (Thursday, June 2, 2016). Re- cycling and yard waste collection will resume on Monday, June 6, 2016.
Commercial accounts: There will be no collection on Monday, May 30, 2016.
For additional questions or concerns, please call the City of Tampa Utilities Consolidated
Call Center at (813) 274-8811, or visit our website at

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