Page 5 - Florida Sentinel 5-24-16 Online Edition
P. 5

Bounce Back
From The Desk Of Marc Morial:
A Letter To The Next President Of The United States
ou may find this editorial a tad unusual. But since
Donald Trump is committed to teasing and bashing Hillary Clinton because of President Bill Clinton’s indis- cretions with Monica Lewinsky in 1998, we decided it would only be fair to address this “elephant” in the middle of the 2016 presidential campaign.
That Hillary would forgive her husband and work on their marital relationship to save their love and marriage is not an uncommon phenomenon among American mar- ried couples. It shows Hillary’s strength and integrity.
In fact, studies conducted in the past 10 years show 45 to 50 percent of married women and 50 to 60 percent of married men are likely to engage in extramarital affairs at some point in their relationship. Those same reports show that 60 to 75 percent of couples who have experi- enced such incidents stay together.
Consequently, religious leaders, psychologists, mar- riage counselors, etc., could confirm numerous research that shows men and women who are more likely to have extra-marital relations are attractive (physical, social, money), have the opportunity (free time, separate social lives, friends, careers, travel plans, etc.), have higher in- comes, more successful careers, and education, like to take risks, hold positions of influence or power, and are experiencing communication problems.
Moreover, most cases of infidelity are never discov- ered and are based upon “biological evidence, which in- dicates long-term monogamy is often challenging for human beings to achieve.”
While we don’t condone marital infidelity, we share this information with you to place Hillary’s decision to stay with Bill in proper perspective.
D oes it matter that Donald Trump’s list of eleven possi- ble Supreme Court justices to replace the late Judge Anthony Scalia is all-white? Not only are Trump’s choices all-white, but (without exception) they all support socio- political opinions that – if implemented – would set
American democracy back to the Stone Age.
And who are these eleven names from out of Trump’s magical rabbit-hat? And other than being white, what do they have in common? Well, one thing they have in com- mon is neither of them is a graduate from Harvard or Yale. At least one of them believes to his heart that the constitutional decision of Roe v Wade is “the worst abom-
ination in the history of constitutional law.”
Others on the list, such as Allison Eid (a woman), Ray- mond Gruender, Joan Larsen (a woman) and Don Willett are staunch opponents of women’s rights. That leaves Supreme Court Trump-candidates Dianne Sykes, David Stras, Thomas Lee, and Steven Colloton, neither of whom are cozy with the idea of civil rights from a constitutional
So, what is at stake, if Donald Trump takes the presi-
dency of the United States?
For starters, Freedom is at stake. Then go down the
list: Democracy is at stake. Civil Rights, GBLT Rights, Healthcare Rights are all at stake. But most significantly, if the readers of this editorial do not vote at the next elec- tion, the presence of the Supreme Court may be at stake.
Imagine waking up one morning and being told that the members of that august body – in collaboration with America’s new president – had decided to dissolve them- selves from power. Perhaps, that would make a twelfth reason why our readers should vote NO TRUMP!
Empowered Greetings. When life hits you with blows that knock you off your feet don’t stay down, bounce back. You cannot lay there and wallow in your sad sit- uation because you’ll become stuck. The longer you allow your- self to stay stuck, the more diffi- cult you will think it is to come out of whatever you are in. The truth is, that it doesn’t matter how deep you fall you can still bounce back higher than you were before. Oth- ers may choose to count you out but don’t count yourself out. You can make a rebound.
Here are 5 moves you can make to bounce back.
1. Evaluate your perspective on your situation. See your setback as a set up for a comeback. Life failures are really life lessons. People learn more from failure than they do from success. It is your failures that gives you guid-
President and CEO National Urban League
As we observe the 40th an- niversary of the State of Black America®, the similarities in the nation in 2016 and that which then-National Urban League Ex- ecutive Director Vernon Jor- dan documented in 1976 are disheartening. Our nation was struggling to overcome the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Pressure was building to slash social services for the poor, who were demo- nized and characterized as “chislers.” Communities were rocked by hostility and violence triggered by legal challenges to the social status quo.
As with every economic downturn, communities of color bore the brunt of the decline. Black Americans remained nearly twice as likely as whites to be unemployed. Since 1976, the Black unemployment rate has consistently remained about twice that of the white rate across time, regardless of educa- tional attainment. The house- hold income gap remains at about 60 cents for every dollar. Black Americans are only slightly less likely today to live in poverty than they were in 1976.
On the criminal justice front, Jordan noted that Blacks were underrepresented in law en- forcement in 1976. “The City of Chicago is an example: with a population that is 32.7% Black, it has a police force that is only 16% Black.” Today, in hundreds of police departments across the nation, the percentage of whites on the force is more than 30 per- centage points higher than in the communities they serve.
“The urgency of the prob-
ance for the next time around. Evaluate your situation and make a mental note of how you could have handled this better. Discuss the issue with someone else and see if they can offer another view- point. Determine if there are other solutions you have yet to consider.
2. Resist that which resists you. Don’t let rejection cause you to feel rejected. Control your thoughts so you can secure your emotional well-being. Don’t be discouraged. People may not be against you as much as they are for themselves. Their rejection may have nothing to do with you but everything to do with them. Life issue can cause you to feel some kind of way but shake it off and keep it moving. Your attitude in life really does affect your alti- tude.
3. Relieve the stress. Eating
lems that grip the American peo- ple allow no time for delay or for half-way measures,” Jor- dan observed.
Former National Urban League President John Jacob introduced the concept of an urban Marshall Plan for America in the 15th State of Black Amer- ica® in 1990. At the time, he said the nation should commit itself to completing “our unfin- ished revolution for democracy and human rights.”
Dear Mr./Madame Presi- dent, that revolution remains unfinished.
That is why, with this mile- stone 40th Anniversary State of Black America®, the National Urban League proposes a sweeping and decisive solution to the nation’s persistent social and economic disparities. We call it the Main Street Marshall Plan: Moving from Poverty to Prosperity.
This bold and strategic invest- ment in America’s urban com- munities requires a multi-annual and multi-pronged commitment of $1 trillion over the next 5 years that would course correct our main streets. Our nation needs investments in:
• Universal early child- hood education
• A federal living wage of $15 per hour, indexed to in- flation
• A plan to fund compre- hensive urban infrastruc- ture
• A new Main Street small- and micro-business financing plan focusing on minority-and-women- owned businesses
• Expansion of summer youth employment pro- grams
properly, regular exercise, listen- ing to music, laughing and medi- tating are all good ways to give stress a 1-2 punch.
4. Stay socially connected. Friends, family and other social groups and activities help you cope with your situation. The give you a sense of belonging. Being around others, talking to others about your situation give you a strong support system.
5. Give thanks and count your blessings. You will attract that which you are grateful for. Take time to write down the things in your life that you are thankful for and do a daily count of the posi- tive things in your life or victories of your day. This will help you focus on all the good in your life. What you focus on longest be- comes strongest.
Your setbacks may cause some to be amused but allow your comeback to have them scratch- ing their heads and confused.
Let Selphenia help you bounce back. Stay connected through social media or call to get the help you need to succeed. Call her at 813-603-0088. Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women or on Instagram: Selphenia, or on Twit- ter: queenofsuccess1.
• Expanded homeowner- ship strategies
• Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
• Targeted re-entry work- force training programs ad- ministered through community-based organi- zations
• Doubling the Pell Grant program to make college more affordable
• Expansion of financial literacy and homebuyer ed- ucation and counseling
• Expansion of the low-in- come housing voucher Sec- tion 8 program
• Establishment of Green Empowerment Zones in neighborhoods with high unemployment
• Affordable high-speed broadband and technology for all
• Increased federal fund- ing to local school districts to help eliminate resource equity gaps
Under President Obama, the nation has made great strides in stabilizing the econ- omy. In eight years, America has gone from losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month to 73 consecutive months of job growth. During Pres. Obama’s term, the private sector has added 14.4 million new jobs, and the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act is widely cred- ited with protecting the nation from a second Great Depression.
However, much more re- mains to be done. We cannot continue to rely on policies that have proven ineffective in com- munities with high unemploy- ment and low income. You see, we are not asking for a new deal; we are demanding a better deal.
Eleven More Reasons Not Vote For Trump
Hillary And Bill Clinton Among America’s 60 Percent

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