Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 5-1-18
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Post Malone’s Sophomore Album Shatters J. Cole’s Spotify Stream Numbers
T.I. And Tiny’s Shy Daughter Deyjah, 16, Is New Instagram Star
She use to be the shy, quiet daughter on ’T.I. and Tiny: The Family Hustle’, now Deyjah Harris, 16, is a model and inspiration to teens for her Instagram posts.
    Post Malone's sopho- more album Beerbongs & Bentleys has set a new first- day streaming record on Spo- tify.
The album has shattered the record both globally
(78,744,748) and in the U. S. (47,930,039), according to a tweet from Spotify. This puts him ahead of J. Cole's KOD, which set the record in the U. S. just last week with 36,656,086 streams.
   Rihanna’s Dress From 2007 Album Cover Auctioned For $13,000+
 Rihanna’s 2007 album, Good Girl Gone Bad was the star’s groundbreaking third studio album for its No. 1 hits “Umbrella” and “Don’t Stop The Music.” Those singles are still getting downloads on streaming services, but it’s re- ally the dress RiRi wore on the album cover that’s making the big bucks now.
According to reports, that same dress was recently sold
The white dress Rihanna wore on the cover of her 2007 hit album, Good Girl Gone Bad.
for more than $13,000 on an online auction.
The dress was reportedly put up for auction online, which was hosted by Gotta Have Rock & Roll. After a num- ber of bids, the auction for the dress was closed on Saturday (Apr. 21), selling for a whop- ping $13,310.
That’s not the only garment or item touched by Rihanna that is reportedly up for sale.
Deyjah Harris, daughter of T.I. & Tiny, is being show- ered with praise for a power- ful and uplifting message she shared on Instagram.
The 16-year-old has been blowing up on social media thanks to her impressive modeling career. And fans are saying that T.I. should be proud because he’s raising a bright and intelligent young woman.
Deyjah recently made it known via a stunning photo shoot that no boys are allowed inside her world... (yet) — be- cause her father gives her all the genuine love and atten- tion she needs... PLUS, she knows her self-worth.
She wrote: “Sorry, no boys for me. just a waste of time until someone who can love me and treat me like my dad pops up until then...”
 Break-Up Letter From Tupac To Madonna Is For Sale
 Madonna’s star power and influence, didn’t help her in court. The OG Material Girl lost a legal battle to prevent the auctioned sale of some of her intimate personal belongings, reports The New York Times.
These items include inti- mate photographs, satin un- derwear, a cassette tape of unreleased recordings, and a breakup letter from former boyfriend, the late-rapper Tupac Shakur.
Last summer, she was granted a ruling to block the sale of 22 personal items. However, Monday (Apr. 23), the judge dismissed the case on the grounds that the statute
The late West Coast rapper Tupac Shakur dated Madonna, and wrote her a breakup letter while he was imprisoned.
Kanye’s Team Quits; Drops 2 Songs In 2 Days
Kanye West has parted ways with his manager Scooter Braun. He and T.I. have a new song, Ye Vs. The People.
    Migos and their entourage were reportedly involved in a brawl in Las Vegas which re- sulted in them getting kicked out of the hotel.
Migos and their crew were involved in an altercation at Encore Hotel and Casino that left them booted from the hotel. The trio were perform- ing at Drai's in Las Vegas and went straight to their hotel after the set. The altercation kicked off after a hotel em- ployee requested Quavo to move his car. Quavo and the valet then got into a war of words before the valet got punched. However, it's said
Migos was kicked out their Las Vegas hotel after the valet was punched. Cardi B was taken to a safe place.
Kanye West has split with his manager Scooter Braun and his legal team.
While Kanye’s recent polit- ical statements among other things are reportedly behind the exit.
The rapper allegedly gave Braun and the rest of his team an ultimatum: work with him full-time, or hit the door.
West is back with his sec- ond new song of the day, and unlike "Lift Yourself," this one doesn't even slightly resemble a troll. The track, which fea- tures T.I., is called "Ye vs. the People," and it finds both Yeezy and Tip going back and forth about 'Ye's recent surge of President Trump sup- port.
of limitations to recover her items had expired.
“The auction house [Gotta- HaveRockAndRoll] said the online sale of the items will now go ahead in July. The starting bid for the handwrit- ten Shakur letter is $100,000.”
According to reports, the
former couple fizzled out due to their ethnic differences. The 1995 letter allegedly features Pac alluding to this reasoning for Madonna. It was written while he was incarcerated at New York’s Clinton Correc- tional Facility for sexual as- sault, just one year before he was killed.
Altercation With Hotel Valet Leads To Migos Being Kicked Out Of Hotel
  that Quavo nor any other Migos member were respon- sible.
Cardi B was also there and performed with them earlier at Drai's. They say security
swiftly took her to safety inside of the hotel lobby.
Police later showed up and diffused the situation after they responded to a call about the alleged assault.

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