Page 14 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-15 Edition
P. 14

Local Group Setting Up Conflict Resolution Centers
Stage Play Being Written For ‘Bullwinkle’
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
Brother Richard Muhammad, Chairman of the Tampa Local Organizing Com- mittee, said they are preparing for a follow up to October’s Mil- lion Man March, but even more importantly, they are setting up Conflict Resolution Centers in various communities around the city.
The theme for this project is “Moving Forward,” and the goal is to fight the war of economic depravity on two fronts.
“We are also asking for a boy- cott of Christmas as it pertains to Santa Claus, and the spending of money on decorations and toys for the children. We are asking these families to hold on to those dollars and fellowship with their families and find out what the real meaning of Christmas is.
“We are sending out the mes- sage ‘Up With Christ, Down With Santa’ with hopes of getting peo- ple to spend that money on their family, and get to know each other better.”
Bro. Richard said nation- ally, African Americans must share in the economic prosperity of this country, and that begins with empowering your dollars lo- cally instead of putting them into the pockets of business owners who offer nothing in return.
“We want to teach people self-policing and to be responsi- ble for their community.”
On November 19th at 7 p.m., a meeting will be held at 905 East Skagway by the Organizing Committee for anyone who wants to help with this war on two fronts.
“As far as the 20th anniver- sary celebration was concerned, I thought it was successful and insightful,” said Bro. Richard.
“I think Minister Far- rakhan got his message across, but for me it was seeing all the young people from area colleges and universities in attendance. That was very impressive. We have to get to our young people and pass on the message of progress.”
For more updates on the Mil- lion Man March, visit the web- site, “Justice Or Else,” and find out what’s going on in your com- munity.
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
When Bernard Thomas reinvented him- self as Bishop Bullwinkle, it was his way of announcing his return to the world of entertain- ment.
Almost immediately, Bishop Bullwinkle captured an entire nation with the release of his song, “Hell To The Nah Nah.” Now, after being a headliner on some shows, and appearing with some back-in-the-day artists, Bishop Bullwinkle has caught the attention of area promoters, record label executives, and also play writers.
Along with his manager, Darryl Under- wood, Bishop Bullwinkle sat down with the founders of Blaze Media, Keith Williams and Mills Cooper.
Williams and Cooper proposed they team up with Bishop Bullwinkle for a stage play next year, and Bishop Bullwinkle was more than ready to get started.
“We’re trying to brand the Bishop Bullwin- kle name and do what Tyler Perry did with his Madea character. We want to bring Hollywood to us,” said Cooper.
“Bishop Bullwinkle’s song has taken on a life of its own, and we want to help him maximize its marketing potential.”
Williams and Cooper have been looking for this kind of concept for more than a year, and with their expertise, they feel Bishop Bullwin- kle will become the next big star.
“All I want to do is perform,” said Bishop
From left to right: Keith Williams, Darryl Un- derwood, Mills Cooper, and Bishop Bullwinkle.
“I’ll go wherever I need to be, and I promise
they will all be asking for me to come back. That’s what happens when you’re confident, and give the people what they need.”
Williams is an expert with filming, editing, and production work, while Cooper has already written 70 pages for a proposed movie, and 60 pages for the stage production.
“We’re going global with Bishop Bullwin- kle, and looking for the next big act along the way,” said Williams.
“We are confident that the people will love Bishop Bullwinkle, and give him all the sup- port he deserves. He will be representing the people of Central Florida everywhere he goes, and he wants to make sure they are a part of his success.”

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