Page 12 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-15 Edition
P. 12

This week, we welcome Amina as the Spotlight fea- ture. Amina is sure she has what it takes to reach the top, and she has no problems posing in front of the camera. Amina has a real laid back style that she relies on when things get tough, and a determination that will never allow her to give up. Congratulations to Amina as this week’s Spotlight feature.
Driver, Passenger Killed After Car Crashes Into West Tampa Home
Plant City Man Acting As Good Samaritan Killed In Accident
Late Wednesday night, Tampa Police reported that two people died after their car crashed into a West Tampa home.
Police said at 11:30 p. m., a car crashed into the house at 2535 West Main Street. A black sedan was traveling west on Main at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control and left the roadway.
The vehicle struck a wall, an iron fence and the front porch of the home before crashing into a bedroom and coming to rest in the front yard.
This was the scene late Wednesday night after a car crashed into a home on Main Street in West Tampa.
Police said both occupants
in the car were pronounced
dead at the scene. Three adults
and two children live at the
home where the crash oc-
curred. Four of them inside
the home at the time of the ac- injured.
Members of the Plant City Po- lice Department are investigat- ing a fatal traffic crash that occurred Wednesday morning in Plant City.
Body of Missing
Toddler Found In Canal
Johnson was helping Oquendo load some items into his vehicle that had fallen from a vehicle onto the roadway. Oquendo was to backup his vehicle and stop to allow John- son an opportunity to load the items.
cident. The person who usu- ally sleeps in the bedroom the car entered went to work early. No one inside the home was
Witnesses told police Gre- gory B. Johnson, Sr., 63, was traveling east on Park Road and stopped to render aid to a motorist, Juan Oquendo, 70.
The search for a Tampa tod- dler ended Monday after his body was found in a canal.
The toddler, identified as 18- month-old Vihaan Pullam- setti, was reported to the Broward County Sheriff’s Of- fice around 4 p.m., Sunday. Law enforcement canvassed the neighborhood, and police used dogs and helicopters in the search for the missing child.
While backing up, Oquendo mistakenly pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake, caus- ing him to run over Johnson, who sustained a severe injury.
A dive team from the depart- ment discovered his body in the canal on Monday.
Plant City Fire Rescue re- sponded to the scene, but Johnson was pronounced dead at the scene.
The child and his parents, Kamala Gavara and Ravi
Pullamsetti were visiting rel- atives when the tragedy oc- curred.
No criminal charges have been filed at this time, and the accident is still being investi- gated.
Gospel Program
St. James Primitive Baptist Church, 3202 E. 33rd Ave., Tampa 33610, Aubrey Hodges, pastor, is hosting a gospel mu- sical program Saturday, No- vember 7, 6 p. m.
For more information, con- tact Ronald Hambrick, (813) 401-5687.
Middleton High Class Of 1957
The Middleton High School Class of 1957 is meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2015, at Covenant Catalytic Church, 6112 N. 47th St., Tampa, 33610, at 1 p. m.
This meeting is to finalize the class Holiday Luncheon on Sat- urday, December 12, 2015.
For more information please call, Jackie Walker at (813) 842-5088 or Rosita Graham at (813) 875-2373.

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