Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-15 Edition
P. 10
Grand Opening Of Moffitt’s McKinley Center
Moffitt Cancer Center held the Grand Opening of its new building, Moffitt McKinley Outpatient Center on Friday afternoon, October 30th. The building is located at 10920 N. McKinley Dr. Among those who attended the event were from left: State Representative Ed Narain, Moffitt Patient and Family Advisory Council founding member, Joyce Austin; former Florida Speaker of the House H. Lee Moffitt; Moffitt Publicity Staff member Nikki Ross-Inda; and Vice President of Community Relations, Dr. B. Lee Green.
Roadway Congestion Is Multi-Agency Problem
This traffic congested scene along Dale Mabry has become all too common on other roadways around the city.
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
The City of Tampa is re- sponsible for only 17% of the roadways in the city, and the majority of those are internal roadways within neighbor- hoods.
As the city continues to ex- plode with new residents and new housing, the city’s road- ways have become more con- gested.
City of Tampa Transporta- tion and Storm Water Direc- tor, Jean Duncan said there is a hierarchy of roads in Tampa, so there has to be a joining of several agencies to improve the roadways.
“In Tampa, there are county roads, state roads, fed- eral highways, and then city roads. All of those agencies have to meet to develop a plan to deal with the congestion on the roadways.
“We meet with the other agencies on a regular basis, and we’re all aware of the need
to make some changes. Our funds don’t allow us to dele- gate it all to relieving traffic problems.”
Duncan said she’s aware of some of the city’s traffic is- sues from personal experience.
“I’m aware of the problem along Columbus Drive be- tween Nebraska Avenue and North Boulevard, because that entire stretch of road is only two lanes, and it gets a lot of traffic.”
Duncan said there are some phases being imple- mented to improve the current system with an automated Traffic Information System.
“We can’t just widen the roads to deal with peak hour traffic. We need to optimize the use of the roadways we al- ready have.”
Duncan said dealing with the city’s traffic problems will not be solved overnight, and it will take some time and a lot of money to make drivers feel more at ease on the roadways, especially during peak hours.
Duke Energy Ramps Up Efforts To Protect Customers From Utility Scammers
Duke Energy is ramping up efforts to protect cus- tomers from the long-run- ning scam targeting customers of utility service providers across the country.
The company has launched a new multi-week social media campaign with content focused on identify- ing the tricks scammers use
to get money from cus- tomers, and how customers can protect themselves. The company encourages the public to share these mes- sages to help guard against scam activity.
How To Protect Yourself
Duke Energy never asks or requires a customer with a
delinquent account to pur- chase a prepaid debit card to avoid disconnection.
Customers can make pay- ments online, by phone, au- tomatic bank draft, mail or in person.
Customers with delin- quent accounts receive an advance disconnection noti- fication with the regular monthly billing – never a sin- gle notification one hour be- fore disconnection.
If you suspect someone is trying to scam you, hang up and call the local police then Duke Energy. Never dial the phone number the scammers provide.
Free Meal And Beverage For Veterans
Golden Corral, the na- tion’s #1 grill buffet fran- chise, will thank thousands of active-duty and retired U. S. military personnel for their service with a free din- ner buffet and beverage, while raising donations for the DAV (Disabled American Veterans).
At all of its restaurants nationwide, Golden Corral will serve free dinner buffets with beverage from 5 P. M. to 9 P. M. on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015, to any person who is serving or has served in a United States Military branch, including the Na- tional Guard and Reserves.