Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-15 Edition
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New Saint Paul AME Church To Be Honored November 9th
Appreciation Program Planned To Recognize The Work Of Gospel Activist
Pastor Karen Jackson Sims and the members of the New St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church will be honored Monday, No- vember 9th, 5:30 p.m. at the Robert W. Saunders Public Library, 1505 North Nebraska Avenue.
The church will receive the R. W. Saunders Library Foun- dation, Inc. Lamp of Knowl- edge award. The program is free and open to the public.
New St. Paul is located at 4603 North 42nd Street. The church was founded by Rev. Thomas Long in 1870 as Brush Harbor Mission on Harrison Street near Tampa Street.
In 1872 the congregation purchased property on Mar- ion Street between Harrison and Fortune Streets. The members named the church they built there Mt. Moriah. Following two storms that de- stroyed the sanctuary, the congregation again rebuilt and renamed the new church, St. Paul AME. The structure underwent several improve- ments over the next century. But St. Paul AME remained in that location until it left Har- rison Street and relocated to East Tampa.
In 2012, the church was renamed New St. Paul AME. The structure on Harrison Street is now a historic build- ing (Brady 1997).
The program on Novem- ber 9th will take place during the Black History Experience,
The New St. Paul AME Church.
sponsored by the RWS Li- brary Foundation, Inc. Mem- bers of St. Paul AME will present the church’s history during the program.
Mr. Saunders and his family were faithful long-time members of St Paul AME. In addition to being the oldest AME church in Tampa, St. Paul AME also hosted numer- ous civil rights meetings in the 1950s and 1960s. The
February 1961 NAACP-led march to the student sit-ins at F.W. Woolworth Department Store on Franklin Street began at St. Paul AME.
Among the dignitaries the church hosted are President Bill Clinton, Congress- man Oscar DePriest, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, and baseball icon, Jackie Robin- son.
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
For the past 2 years, Ms. Gloria Hines has not been seen about the community as in the past. She has been deal- ing with some health issues, including the loss of sight and enduring 5 surgeries on her eyes. Although she’s not on the forefront as she has been, Ms. Hines is still encourag- ing and supporting young artists.
Since she had been out of sight for a while, the Vision of Harmony (sisters, Angela and Valencia) went on a mis- sion looking for her.
The sisters will be mis- tresses of ceremony Saturday afternoon, November 7, 2015, 4-6:30 p. m. for an apprecia- tion program for Ms. Hines. The program will be held at her church home, God’s Side Progressive Missionary Bap- tist Church, 3201 E. Genesee St. (33610), Reverend Danny Osborne, Pastor.
Those who have agreed to help honor Ms. Hines are: the Exciting Gospel Warriors, the GS Praise Team, and Vic- tory, among others.
A former school bus driver, Ms. Hines founded GSH Gospel Music Awards in 2000. For 13 years, she hosted a talent showcase program, reaching out to young people and raising money to help them with college. She ex- presses gratitude to the many
churches that allowed her to hold the annual programs in their churches.
Her singing has been di- minished a bit due to health challenges, but she still gets to sing in her church. As a mem- ber of the Special Chorus, the group sand with several na- tionally known artists, among them Edwin Hawkins and Shirley Caesar.
Ms. Hines began her in- terest in music in 1990 work- ing with her son, rapper Boy Dirty and various types of music. She later founded Sound Records.
“I’m going to look to God and keep on singing the Word of God,” she concluded.
NCNW Meeting
The National Council of Negro Women Tampa Metropolitan Section meeting is scheduled for Sat- urday, November 7, 2015 at 10:00 a. m. at the HOPE Center, located at 4902 N. 22nd Street, Tampa, 33610, across from Middleton High School.
Tee Solomon is president and Christie Jacobs is reporter.

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