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White House News
First Lady Obama Visits Troops In Qatar
First Lady Michelle Obama, in support of the Joining Forces initiative, greets members of the mil- itary following remarks at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, Nov. 3, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)
Spirit Airlines:
Black People Beware:
Flight Attendants Can Get You Kicked Off Flights
Truth Viewed As Ridicule By President Against Republicans
At the White House Corre- spondents Dinner in April, President Obama joked, “After the midterm elections, my advisors asked me, ‘Mr. President, do you have a bucket list?’ And I said, ‘Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.’”
President Obama brought this same kind of carefree atti- tude to a Democratic fundraiser in Manhattan Tues- day night, where the President seemed only too pleased to the Republican Party’s presidential field.
“Have you noticed that every one of these candidates says, ‘Obama’s weak. Putin’s kick- ing sand in his face. When I talk to Putin, he’s going to straighten out’?” Mr. Obama asked a crowd of Democratic donors in New York, referring to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
“And then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators at a debate,” he added to huge applause from his partisan audience. “I mean, let me tell you,” he added with gleeful scorn, “if you can’t han- dle those guys, you know, then
I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you.”
As it turns out, the Presi- dent’s ridicule wasn’t limited to the GOP candidates hoping to replace him – the President seemed equally eager to deride the Republican Party overall.
For example, the President highlighted some of the key successes of his White House tenure, which he believes his GOP critics aren’t aware of. “[T]hey occupy a different real- ity, it seems,” he said. “Ac- cording to them, everything was really good in 2008 when
we were going through the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes.... This apparently was the golden age that I messed up.”
Reflecting on the incident in February in which Sen. Jim Inhofe (R- Okla.) threw a snowball on the Senate floor – the Republican lawmaker be- lieves snow in the Northeast during the winter is evidence against climate change – President Obama remains flabbergasted.
“I’m not making that up,” the President said, noting the Inhofe story. “That’s what hap- pened. That’s crazy. I was going to quote Kanye [West] but this is a family audience. But that’s cray.”
The President added, “If you go to 100 doctors and 99 of them tell you you have diabetes ... you wouldn’t say, ‘Ahh, that’s a conspiracy, All 99 doc- tors got together with Obama to keep me from having bacon and donuts.’ You wouldn’t do that.”
The Washington Post de- scribed the remarks as “some of his most barbed comments to date about the 2016 race.”
Spirit Airlines is based out of Miramar, FL
Six Spirit Airlines customers say they were kicked off a flight at Los Angeles Interna- tional Airport Monday because they are black.
According to witness ac- counts, three black couples were escorted off the aircraft prior to departure by police of- ficers after a white flight atten- dant accused one person in the group of being a threat.
Cellphone video recorded by Alexandria Wright, who was among the passengers kicked out, shows the man being removed from the plane telling responding officers the flight attendant was rude to him.
Spirit Airlines said in a state- ment: “Four passengers be- came unruly and were causing trouble with other passengers. Flight crew asked them to stop. When they did not, law enforcement was called and
they were removed from the flight.
”While Spirit claims it was just four people, multiple media outlets are reporting that three couples were forced off the plane.
When the other African- American passengers spoke out in the man’s defense and questioned his ejection from the plane, police officers were called back and booted the others as well.
“I’m really humiliated just for the simple fact that you hear about this type of stuff happening in America, dis- crimination issues and stuff like that, but to actually expe- rience it first-hand... ” Wright told CBS Los Angeles.
After the six passengers were escorted off the plane, Flight 868 reportedly took off at 8 p.m. for Dallas.
President Tours Rehab Facility As He Continues Push For 2nd Chances For Released Inmates
President Barack Obama
toured a drug rehab and met with former inmates Monday in Newark, New Jersey calling on the nation to ensure those regaining their freedom get a second chance, instead of a re- turn ticket to prison. Although his visit boosted his campaign for a criminal justice overhaul, it also pulled the President into a war of words with presiden- tial candidate and GOP Gov. Chris Christie.
"There are people who have gone through tough times, they've made mistakes, but with a little bit of help, they can get on the right path," Presi- dent Obama said at Rutgers University's law school. "It's not too late."
President Obama made an afternoon stop at Integrity House, a state-funded drug and residential treatment cen- ter. The President held up the facility as "a model for the good work that's being done sporad- ically around the nation." He also met privately with former prisoners, a parole officer and a federal judge to hear more about obstacles to rehabilita- tion.
Aiming to divert some of
President Obama at the Integrity House in Newark, N.J. Earlier he was on a panel with a rehab facility owner and client at Rutgers Uni- versity/Newark.
President Obama's lime- light to himself, Christie spent the day in Camden, New Jersey, where he met with community and police leaders and touted the city as a na- tional model for police reform.
More than two million peo- ple are incarcerated in the U.S., and each year 600,000 or more are released back into so- ciety. There they face a dearth of jobs, housing and mental health services that puts many on the short path back to prison in what the President has plaintively described as a cycle of incarceration.
Without new laws, Presi- dent Obama is limited to modest steps he can take on his own. For example, President Obama has asked Congress to "ban the box" — shorthand for prohibiting the government and its contractors from asking job applicants about criminal histories on applications. It's an issue resonating in the Democratic presidential pri- mary, with Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley all sup- porting steps to help those con- victed of crimes find employment.

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