Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-15 Edition
P. 11

HART Pays Tribute To 12 Employees
ployee of the Month for July. He has been employed with the organization since Novem- ber 2013.
The Facilities Employee of the Month for August is Or- rian Cheatom. Cheatom
was previously employed by the Hillsborough County School Board and served in the United States Navy.
Paul Goodwin was se- lected as the Facilities Em- ployee of the Month for
September. He has been an employee of HART since Sep- tember 2010. Goodwin also served for 6 years in the United States Navy and is a member of the HART Emer- gency Response Team.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last week, members of the Board of Directors of Hillsbor- ough Area Transit Region paid tribute to several of their em- ployees. The forms of recogni- tion ranged from employee of the month to employee of the quarter.
Lyndon Dallas, Mainte- nance Supervisor II, was rec- ognized for his 30 years of service. Currently serving as Supervisor II, Dallas retired from the U. S. Air Force Re- serves as a Master Sergeant after 21 years of service.
German Aguire was cho- sen as the “Customer Service Employee” of the Quarter. Aguire is a 3-year employee.
The Teamster of the Quar- ter is Sylvester Samuels. Samuels is a 17-year em- ployee.
The honor of Operator of the Month for July was given to Fred Walker, a 9-year employee.
Al Hughes was chosen as the Operator of the Month for August. Hughes is a 17-year employee.
Rafael Ferreras was also
reras is a 9-year employee. The title of Main Mainte- nance Employee of the Month for July was given to Nor- berto Velez. Velez has been employed with HART for the
past 25 years.
Velez is also a member of
the Emergency Response Team.
The Maintenance Em- ployee of the Month for Au- gust is Luis Perez. Perez is a 27-year employee and serves as a Master Mechanic with the organization.
The employee chosen as the Maintenance Employee of the Month September is Ms. Tashika Clark. Ms. Clark is a 9-year employee and cur- rently as a Vehicle Custodian in the Fleet Maintenance De- partment.
Lakram Ragoobir was selected as the Facilities Em-
chosen as Operator of Month. The honor was stowed upon him for month of September. Fer-
the be- the
Ministry To Host 3rd Annual Tampa Faith Fest And Church Unity Day
On Sunday, November 8th at Temple Crest Park beginning at 12 noon, True Prosperity Evangelistic Outreach Ministry will be hosting their third annual Tampa Faith Fest and Church Unity Day.
True Prosperity Pastor Cornelius Hamilton and his wife, Evangelist Devlyn Garrison-Hamilton, are inviting all area churches, ministries, faith-based businesses and charitable organ- izations to join them in making this event successful.
There will be free clothing haircuts, food, prizes and health screenings.
Those in attendance will have an opportunity to win prizes in field day activities such as tug-of-war, praise team/choir celebra- tions, female/male relay races, and female/male egg walks. Addi- tional points can be earned by teams for wearing their organization’s colors or customized tee shirts.
“It is our ministry’s goal to unite the community by first unify- ing the churches,” said Pastor Hamilton.
“True Prosperity is interested in partnering and cross promot- ing other ministries health and wellness initiatives to ensure that this event is not just fun, but effective and sociable and healthy.”
Pastor Hamilton wants everyone to bring their tents coolers, lawn chairs and blankets for a day of church pride, celebration, fun and friendly activities.
Temple Crest Park is located at 8116 North 37th Street.

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