Page 7 - Florida Sentinel 5-3-16 Online Edition
P. 7

First Annual Black History Brain Bowl Held
New Foundation Provides Scholarships For Students
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
During the month of Febru- ary, Hillsborough Alliance of Black School Educators (HABSE) members held their First Annual Black History Brain Bowl. Members extended an invitation to Hillsborough County schools and several de- cided to participate.
The judges for the competi- tion found themselves chal- lenged when selecting winners. However, after much considera- tion, the judges selected a first place, second place, and third place winner.
Students representing Mid- dleton High School captured the First Place Prize. The Middleton team consisted of Khanh Nguyen, a 10th grade student; and three 11th grade students,
Juliette Pospere, Aubrey Joseph, and Joel Phanord.
Anayansi Vineolo Perez, Seth Will, Maria Norwood, Daniela Quintana, and Chelsey Delgado represented Leto High School. They were chosen as the Second Place win- ners.
The Third Place award was bestowed upon Sligh Middle Magnet School students. The team consisted of Savian Gra- ham, Brianna Nickerson, Jokobi Nelson, and Omari Green.
The officers of HABSE are: Ms. Mary Dance, President; Ms. India White, 1st Vice Pres- ident; Tressa Jones, 2nd Vice President; Karen Fletcher, 3rd Vice President; Ms. Valerie Wilkerson, Financial Secre- tary; and Emanuel Burch, Treasurer.
Jacqueline Haynes and Gwen Williams.
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
It’s been only one school term since Mrs. Jacque- line Haynes left her posi- tion as principal at Howard W. Blake High School, but even before she departed, she and Ms. Gwen Williams, began putting together a scholarship foundation.
The Howard W. Blake Ac- ademic Foundation, Incor- porated has already handed out $5,500 in scholarships.
The scholarships are avail- able for students of Blake alumni, and friends of the Yellow Jackets.
“We decided to name each scholarship in honor of for- mer Blake graduates or con- tributors to the school,” said Ms. Williams.
“This year, 10 scholarships
Scholarship recipients join the presenters on stage.
Members of the Hillsborough Alliance of Black School Educa- tors (HABSE) shown from left to right are: Tressa Jones, 2nd Vice President and Program Chairperson; Emanuel Burch, Treasurer; Mary Dance, President; and Karen Fletcher, 3rd Vice President.
Students at Middleton High School took First Place in the Brain Bowl. Members of the winning team are: Khanh Nguyen, Juliette Pospere, Aubrey Joseph, and Joel Phanord.
Leto High School students were awarded the Second Place Prize. The students are: Ms. Ebony Faison, Biology teacher, Anayansi Vinelo Perez, Seth Will, Maria Norwood, Daniela Quin- tana, Chelsey Delgado, and Ms. India White, Assistant Principal.
Students at Sligh Middle Magnet School captured Third Place. Shown here are: Media Specialist, Joshua Newhouse; Savian Gra- ham, Ciciler Russ, Success Coach; Brianna Nickerson, Jokobi Nelson, Omari Green, and Keyshonna Miller, AVID Coordinator.
were issued in honor of
John Scott, Tyrone Keys, Frank Kennedy, Jacque- line Haynes, and Win- ston Davis. In the future, we will have scholarships in honor of Ms. Clara Frye and Mr. Howard W. Blake.”
Mrs. Haynes said they have set up a website that contains more information about the scholarship founda- tion, and she anticipates the funds from contributors and other sources will continue.
“We’re looking for alumni, family and friends of Blake to help keep this going for the longevity of the foundation.
“Contributions will be ac- cepted and can be sent to Howard W. Blake, 1701 North Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33607, Attention: Gwen Williams. All contri-
butions are to be made out to the Howard W. Blake Aca- demic Foundation, Incorpo- rated.
“Our purpose for this foun- dation is to award students who have gone the extra mile to meet their academic aspi- rations, and want to further their education.
“We also want to help pro- vide classroom mini-grants to help close the achievement gap.”
Mrs. Haynes and Mrs. Williams said they will be contacting members of each graduating class to invite them to be an active part of this foundation.
They also want to thank Blake principal, Jesse Salters, for his hard work and assistance in allowing this to happen on behalf of his students.

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