Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 8-15-17
P. 19
Student Who
Shoplifters Drop $568 In Razors When Confronted
Threatened To Kill
Teacher Arrested
The Pasco County Sher- iff’s Office arrested an 18- year-old student who threatened to kill her former teacher. She was arrested on Sunday after she allegedly posted the threat on her Face- book page and police learned about it.
According to police, Ms. Desiree Zio is a senior at Marchman High School. She allegedly posted on Facebook that she was going to kill her former teacher at River Ridge High School.
Police contacted Ms. Zio and conducted an interview with her. During the inter- view, she reportedly admitted to posting the statement on Facebook. She said she in- tended on finding the teacher at her residence or at the
school with the intent to stab her with a knife.
Police did not identify the teacher or say why Ms. Zio wanted to kill her.
Ms. Zio was charged with making a written threat to do great bodily harm, police said.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is currently in- vestigating vandalism that in- volved in Confederate Memorial. The offense was discovered on Sunday.
Deputies with the Hills- borough County Sheriff’s Of- fice responded to the Confederate Memorial Park, 10418 U. S. Highway 92, around 11 a.m. Sunday. When deputies arrived, they discov- ered that someone had thrown red paint on all of the memorial columns and drops of paint were left on the ce- ment ground throughout the memorial.
There were also deroga- tory comments written in paint on the memorial, police said.
The vandalism was dis- covered by a passer-by who called police. The investiga- tion into the vandalism is continuing.
Police are currently searching for two men who attempted to shoplift several razors from a local store. The incident took place on August 7th, shortly after 7 p.m.
According to the Hills- borough County Sheriff’s Of- fice, the two Hispanic men entered the Walmart, 6192 Gunn Highway. Once inside, the men placed several Gillette Fusion razors, worth, $568, in a backpack.
When the men attempted to leave the store, they were
confronted by store employ- ees. They dropped the back- pack and fled the scene in a gold Chrysler minivan.
Anyone with information about the crime is asked to contact the Hillsborough County Sheriff Office at (813) 247-8200.
Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay is also offering a reward of up to $3,000 for informa- tion leading to the identity and whereabouts of the sus- pects. Contact Crime Stop- pers at 1-800-873-TIPS or
Police Investigate Attempted Kidnapping Of Teenager
Two Wanted
In Connection
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a reported attempted kidnap- ping. The incident took place last Thursday evening.
According to police, a 16- year-old girl was walking southbound on Himes around 4 p.m. when she noticed an older model faded red SUV following her. The vehicle had all four windows rolled down and a Hispanic male was driv- ing. The man asked her in broken English if she wanted a ride and the girl did not reply, but kept walking.
The girl told police the suspect drove away and turned down side streets. He eventually parked at the inter- section of Himes and Min- nehaha Street, where he got out of the truck and ap- proached her from behind.
While laughing, the man attempted to grab the girl, but
she ran until she reached the Bank of America at the inter- section of Himes and Hills- borough Avenue. At that point, she made contact with a security guard and asked for assistance.
The vehicle was last seen traveling westbound on Hills- borough Avenue. The suspect is described as being in his 30s with a medium build. He was wearing sun glasses and had bad teeth. He also had paint stains on his khaki pants and was wearing a cap and long-sleeved white shirt.
The girl is a student at Hillsborough High School and told police she had missed her school bus and de- cided to take another one.
Anyone with information about the suspect should con- tact the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office at (813) 247- 8200.
With Home
Police are searching for two men in connection with the burglary of a home. The burglary took place last Wednesday in the 39—block of Fontainebleu Drive.
According to the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff’s Office, at approximately 3:40 a.m., the two men entered the garage at the home. They re- moved several items of valued from cars parked in the garage and fled the scene.
One man is described as being 5’8” to 5’10” with a thin build, and short, black hair. The second man, a Black man is approximately 6 feet with a thin build.
Anyone with information about the crime is asked to contact the Hillsborough County Sheriff Office at (813) 247-8200.
Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay is also offering a reward of up to $3,000 for informa- tion leading to the identity and whereabouts of the sus- pect. Contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-873-TIPS or
Hard work pays off – 1, 11, 16, 20 hard work beats talent any day, 34, 41, 45, 50 but if you're talented and work hard, 5, 30, 35, 55 it's hard to be beat.