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Two Students Killed In
Riverfront Park Public Meeting
Separate Traffic Accidents
A series of meetings was held last year for the public to provide input and suggestions into the redevelopment of Ju- lian B. Lane Riverfront Park.
During the meetings, resi- dents from the surrounding community attended and made suggestions on what they’d like to see at the park as part of the project.
On Wednesday, February 10th from6p.m.to7p.m.,the City of Tampa and the design team will be hosting the final public meeting to present the completed design for the rede- velopment of the park.
The public is invited to at- tend this meeting and learn about the completed design,
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office investigated two fatal accidents last week. Both of the victims were stu- dents in the Hillsborough County School District.
According to police, the first accident took place early Thursday at the Preserve at Mobbly Ray Apartments, 8210 Solano Bay Loop. Police said, Ms. Dynisha Walker Nar- mauleg, 32, of Tampa, was driving a Ford Expedition in the parking lot.
Leonard Pineda, 12, of Tampa, was running through the parking lot to catch the school bus. Pineda was knocked to the ground, where he struck his head. He was transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital, where he died of his injuries, police said.
Pineda was a student at Farnell Middle School.
The investigation into the accident is continuing, but no drugs are alcohol is suspected in the accident.
Deputies investigated a second accident Thursday on Gunn Highway and Nixon Road Thursday night.
In that accident, investiga- tors said Ms. Emily Cynthia Lopez, 17, was attempting to cross Gunn Highway, shortly before 9 p.m. Ms. Lopez was in the crosswalk, however, she was dressed in all black, and walking against a ‘no walk’ sig- nal, police said.
Ms. Melody Suarez, 48, was driving a 2003 Nissan Al- tima eastbound on Gunn Highway in the left lane. Ms. Suarez did not observe Ms.
This is a conceptual drawing of what the park will look like after completion of the renovation project.
Emily Cynthia Lopez was struck by two vehicles as she at- tempted to cross Gunn Highway last Thursday. She died from her injuries.
Lopez and struck her with the driver’s side mirror of the vehi-
Ms. Jillian Benabe, 28,
was driving a 2005 Lexus and was driving directly behind Ms. Suarez. Ms. Benabe saw the Altima swerve and then saw Ms. Lopez directly in front of her. She attempted to swerve, but was unable to avoid hitting Ms. Lopez.
After impact, Ms. Benabe lost control of her vehicle and came to rest on the western shoulder of Gunn Highway.
Ms. Lopez came to rest within the intersection near the median. She died at the scene. Ms. Lopez was a stu- dent at Tampa Bay Technical High School, officials said.
Ms. Suarez, nor her pas- senger, reported any injuries. Ms. Benabe, who was alone in her vehicle, was not injured.
Drugs or alcohol were not suspected in the accident. However, both drivers con- sented to blood analysis.
and upcoming construction schedule.
The meeting will be held at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center, 2200 North Oregon Avenue. Parking is available on the west and south sides of the center.
City officials and members of the design team will be ad- dressing any questions you may have.
For more information, call (813) 274-7519, or e-mail neighborhoods@tampagov. net.
Moffitt Leader Seeks To Increase Awareness On A National Level
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Two years ago, Dr. B. Lee Green assumed his new posi- tion without fanfare. He is now the Vice President for Diversity, Public Relations, and Strategic Communications, at Moffitt Cancer Center.
Since assuming his new re- sponsibilities, Dr. Green has launched an aggressive effort to increase awareness for Moffitt Cancer Center on a national level.
“We are accomplishing some incredible work here at Moffitt and our goal is to get the information out to the public and let them know what’s hap- pening at Moffitt. We are trying to increase our reputation across the country.
“This also holds true for our local communications. Many people may not be aware of all of the services available here.”
His plans include building relations with the local media as well as the national media. And when national stories occur related to cancer, Dr. Green wants to share Moffitt’s
DR. B. LEE GREEN Moffitt Cancer Center Vice Presi- dent of Diversity, Public Relations and Strategic Communication
position on that topic. “Having that type of relationship with the media is critically impor- tant,” he said.
In terms of diversity, Dr. Green said Moffitt’s role is to be responsive to everyone seek- ing care. “Although in some in- stances, language may have been a barrier in the past, it is not at Moffitt Cancer Center. We provide language support for patients and their families.
“Cancer doesn’t care, it af- fects us all and we want to be responsive to the needs of everyone in our community. We want to make sure Moffitt Cancer Center is a choice.”
He further stated that some feel they must be referred to
Moffitt Cancer Center. “People can call and get all of the im- portant information they need about becoming a patient, in- cluding the types of insurance that Moffitt accepts.”
As the Senior member of the Health Outcomes and Behavior Program Dr. Green said that in reference to African Ameri- cans, “We especially need to pay attention to our health be- cause cancer hits the Black community hard in terms of rates and deaths.
“We must have conversa- tions about cancer because knowledge, education, and un- derstanding the risk factors is critically important.”
Additionally, Dr. Green said outreach teams from Mof- fitt Cancer Center are available to attend meetings and other events in the community.
Dr. Green has held faculty positions at Valdosta State Uni- versity, the University of Ala- bama, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Texas A & M University.
A native of St. Mary’s, Geor- gia, Dr. Green is married and the father of two.

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