Page 2 - June 11, 2020 Graduation Mass_Neat
P. 2

Saints Joachim and Anne School                                     Introduction

                            Graduates of 2020                                        Entrance Song

                                                                                                              City of God
                                                                                         Awake from your slumber, Arise from your sleep.

            Ethan Alcindor                      Maxandra Julien                             A new day is dawning for all those who weep.
            Elijiah Alexis                      Jaiden Kearsley                           The people in darkness, have seen a great light.
            Chris Almeus                        Andrew Lao                                The Lord of our longing has conquered the night.

            Redeka Bastien                      Ralph Laurent                                        Let us build the City of God
            Hailey Beharry                      Kervens Lesperance                              May our tears be turned into dancing!
            Diana Bermeo                        Sumay’ah Lezin                                   For the Lord, our light and our love,

            Emily Bermeo                        Kristal Melendez                                    has turned the night into day!
            Joe Bermeo Mora                     Anyalah Meme                          We are sons of the morning, We are daughters of day.
                                                                                         The One who has loved us, has brightened our way.
            Jonathan Bonhomme                   Kelise Mendez                                The Lord of all kindness has called us to be
            Saniah Borgella                     Franky Mundo                                             A light for His people

            Kevin Brady, Jr.                    Davoya Myers                                           To set their hearts free.
            Tristan Brown                       Jeremiah Owens
            Richard Cadet Antoine               Edwin Peña                           Kyrie—Kyrie Eleison, (3x), Kyrie, Kyrie Eleison

            Ashley Celestin                     Maurice Richards                            Christe Eleison (3x), Christe, Christe Eleison
            Giscard Clersaint                   Alexis Rowe
            Julius Dennison                     Paige Simpson                        Gloria—Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace
            Dorlynka Deslouches                 Elijah Thermogene                    to people of good will.
            Sharmine Dessalines                 Schmeiderlyn Ulysse

            Kenny Etienne                       Carmelle Vigne                       First Reading— Acts 11:21-26: 13:1-3
            Marcus Fils-Aime                    Jada Williams                        Responsorial Psalm— Lord, send down your Spirit and
            Talia Foyle                         Jayden Wilson                        Renew the face of the earth.

            Jawarra Gardner                     Jaden Wiltshire
            Jimmy Guaman                        Janai Wright
            Maddison Jackson                    Carol Zhingri                        Responsorial Psalm—Psalms 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6
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