Page 13 - PreviewTiger
P. 13

my first week here so I have to adjust to a

               new environment really,” and she flashed a

               big grin at him with its pristine, china

               white symmetrical teeth at him.

                 He smiled back. “It’s gonna take us along

               time to get to the bottom floor – what’s

               your name?”

                 “Anouska, or my friends call me Nousk. I

               work for the health insurance department

               on the fiftieth floor. It’s a bit depressing

               really. What do you do?” she replied with

               a shy glance.

                 “I’m Sam, I work for the finance analyst

               department based on the seventy fifth.

               Normally it’s not allot fun but it does have

               its perks .”

                   They continued their social banter until

               the machine stopped at another floor and

               there was a jolt. This time a larger influx

               of people entered the elevator and the
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