Page 3 - TheBreakingCluasePreviewFinal
P. 3

The Breaking Clause


                 A glimpse – or not even that – just a sliver of

               that early-morning sunlight shun through the

               slices between the white shutters that fell

               down in front of the window. This caused the

               light to scatter and fly across the room,

               seeming as if an angel’s halo had been thrown

               in and smashed apart into thin, long, sharp

               slices of luminescence that raced across the

               room with glee. Alison squinted, put her hands

               in front of her face to stop the bright light

               blinding her and pushed herself up so she

               could swing her legs off her bed. She padded

               along the blue bedroom’s, fake wool carpet to

               the window where she reached upwards and

               dragged the white string downwards so hard
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