Page 14 - Pulse@UM Issue 4/2019
P. 14

our people, our story

        department  was  almost  zero  34  years  ago;  pharmacology and even venom pharmacology.
        there was not a single HPLC system or similar  This   I   did   through   inter-departmental
        analytical instrument. Almost all the available  collaboration,  principally  with  academic  staff
        research  facilities  were  of  the  classical  from  the  Departments  of  Anaesthesiology
        Pharmacology (tissue/organ baths and whole  and  Biochemistry  (now  known  as  Molecular
        animal  models)  type.  University  research  Medicine).
        grants  were  often  limited  to  less  than  RM
        20,000, which could hardly buy a decent piece  In  all  the  above  challenges,  I  learned  to  be
        of lab equipment.                           flexible  with  the  use  of  my  knowledge/skills
                                                    and adaptable with regards to the needs of the
        There was also difficulty obtaining postgraduate  time or the resources available. The goal I thus
        students,  as  we  did  not  offer  science  degree  set for my academic career was – to inspire
        courses at the Faculty of Medicine in the early  a  desire  to  learn,  to  impress  key  learning
        80’s. Furthermore, teaching demand was high,  concepts,  to  imprint  effective  thinking,  and
        because  we  had  to  handle  undergraduate  to  instill  ethical  work-practices  among  our
        medical  (MBBS)  and  dental  (BDS)  degree  graduates.  Our  university  graduates  should
        courses, besides helping to teach the university  first  and  foremost  be  a  THINKER  before
        hospital’s  diploma  courses  in  nursing  (SRN)  becoming a worker.
        and medical laboratory technology (MLT).
                                                    My  feedback  to  the  University  as  one  who
        I  was  told  right  from  the  beginning  of  my  has given 34 years of my prime time of life in
        academic career that teaching was to be my  educating future health care leaders is – NOT
        priority,  for  this  was  the  main  business  of  to neglect or overlook teaching achievements of
        a  university!  My  scientific  research  would  lecturers, while maintaining a healthy research
        obviously have to play second fiddle. So instead  environment.  The  university  should  help  to
        of conducting laboratory experiments, I started  develop  responsible  human  beings  and  not
        research in medical education, experimenting  merely producing marketable human capital.
        with different teaching-learning innovations at
        minimal funding cost.                       This is what I think of PULSE:
                                                           p-passionate teacher,
        It was not until much later (in the 90’s), with     u-uncompromised researcher,
        increased  government  funding  on  R&D            l-lifelong learner,
        and  the  commencement  of  Pharmacy  and          s-sustainable leader, and
        Biomedical  Science  courses,  that  I  began  to     e-effective team player.
        resume active science-based research. I also
        learned to diversify my area of research from  Professor Sim  served at  UM from 15 October
        analytical  pharmacology,  to  include  classical  1984 until 19 May 2018.

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