Page 23 - Pulse@UM Issue 4/2019
P. 23

what’s on

        Kyaw Myint, Professor of Geriatric Medicine at
        the University of Aberdeen, UK, on the 11th of   Medicine’s Annual Dinner on 24th November
        October 2018.                                2018  at  the  Tropicana  Golf  and  Country
        Dr. Syaman Harry emerged the eventual winner
        with his poster entitled “A Comparison of the   With  the  organization  of  this  event,  the
        Hepafat-Scan®  and  Fibroscan®  Controlled   department  hopes  to  foster  research
        Attenuation  Parameter  in  the  Estimation   collaboration among students and members
        of  Hepatic  Steatosis  in  Patients  with  Non-  of the department; and provide opportunities
        Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Using Histology   to  develop  research  and  presentation  skills.
        as the Reference Standard”. Dr. Cheng Shian   The  department  would  like  to  take  this
        Feng was the 1st Runner-Up and Sheron Goh    opportunity  to  thank  and  acknowledge  all
        Sir Loon the 2nd Runner-up. Certificates were   the participants, judges, staff and the Faculty
        presented  to  all  participants,  presenters  and   of  Medicine  for  supporting  the  Department
        the finalist. The award ceremony for the final   of  Medicine  Research  Exhibition  2018  and
        winners  was  held  during  the  Department  of   making it a successful event.

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