P. 10

Construction Materials Testing

             Field & Laboratory Testing                                  Construction Materials Testing

                Field Reconnaissance                                        Aggregates            Reinforcing

                Boreholes and Soundings                                     Asphalt               Masonry
                Geophysical Methods                                         Concrete              Soils
                Roadway Soil Survey [FDOT]                                  Steel                 Fiberglass

                Structure & Bridge Investigations
                Cone Penetrometer Testing                                    About Us

                Percolation Testing
                Infiltration Testing                                    SDI has extensive experience providing
                Permeability Testing                                    Construction Materials Testing Services for

                Corrosion & Resistivity Testing                         Private Developers,  Public  Sector Clients,
                Standard Penetration Tests                              Municipal Departments that manage the

                Grain-Size Analysis                                     construction of Public Facilities, as well as
                Moisture Content                              D         Public Works and Infrastructure
                Atterberg Limits                                        Improvements projects.
                Specific Gravity                                       We understand your continuous need for
                Strength Testing                                   S D  increased efficiency, as well as, timely and
                Consolidation Testing                                  accurate reporting.

                Organic Content                                        Please refer  to the adjacent and  above
                Shrinkage & Swell                                      described Construction Materials Testing
                Florida Bearing Value [FBV]                            Sevices, that we conduct on a routine basis.

                Ground Penetrating Radar [GPR]                         We  also  do  conduct  many  other  tests,  so
                Soils Classifications                                  please contact  us for further information at

                Miscellaneous Field Services                           your convenience, if you think we may be of
                Test Excavations                                       further assistance to you.
                Specialized Laboratory Testing

                                                                                         Contact Information:
                                                                                         Office: (352) 505-0910
             Experimental Analysis

     We Gladly Assist You With Your Project Needs, No Matter How Large or Small.  CALL SDI at (352) 505-0910
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