P. 5
Rachel Clarke
ISBN 978-1-916668-60-7
9 7 8 1 9 1 6 6 6 8 6 0 7
Publication: 26 APRIL 2024
ISBN: 9781916668607
Price: £9.99
Binding: Paperback
Format: 198 x 129 mm
Extent: 368 pp
Illustrated: None
Thema: YFC Childrens Fiction
Author location: Aberystwyth
• A fantasy adventure novel set in a magical
universe built around Tarot cards, where
beings can cross through portals between
worlds and seek to understand their destiny
through Tarot reading.
• Follows two siblings, who were kidnapped
from this world as children, and grow up on
Earth before learning of their magical heritage.
• The siblings then learn to harness the power
Rachel Clarke, originally from Worksop, Nottinghamshire, holds a of the Tarot cards to face the hateful magic
responsible for tearing their family apart.
master’s degree in screenwriting from Aberystwyth University. • Perfect for fans of authors such as Garth Nix,
Throughout her career she has worked as a talent coordinator for Philip Pullman and Humphrey Quinn.
production agencies in Canada and London. She was a script reader
for Tiger Aspect and a production coordinator for Lime Pictures. She On a medieval world called Wayan, where wondrous
now runs a successful company helping screenwriters worldwide beings unravel their destiny through Tarot reading, a
succeed in developing their film projects. She lives in Aberystwyth, powerful sorceress commits a shocking act by abducting
Wales. the queen’s young children and spiriting them away through
enchanted portals. Their memories erased, the children
grow up on Earth, oblivious to their heritage.
Now, after twenty-one years of searching, opposing
Sales: Star Book Sales LLP magical forces are racing to lay claim to Andrew and Amy.
T: 01404 515050 In a race against time, the siblings must embark on a
perilous journey to rediscover their past and save their birth
Orders: Troubador Publishing mother, Queen Lillian, from the grip of a malevolent star.
0116 279 2299 A captivating tale of love and bravery, Tarot – Crossing
Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change Worlds explores the unbreakable bonds of family and the
without notice. 09/11/2023 extraordinary lengths we are willing to go to for the ones we