P. 43



       Steve Dennis

                                                                   ISBN 978-1-63756-029-7

                                                                   9 7 8 1 6 3 7 5 6 0 2 9 7
                                                                 Publication:   27  JUNE 2024
                                                                 ISBN:           9781637560297
                                                                 Price:          £25.50
                                                                 Binding:        Hardback

                                                                 Format:         228 x 152 mm
                                                                 Extent:         224 pp
                                                                 Thema:          KJ Business

                                                                   Leaders  Leap  goes  beyond  the  standard  business
                                                                   playbook  and  teaches  you  the  secrets  to  creating  the
                                                                   bolder,  faster,  and  essential  transformation  needed  to
                                                                   avoid  becoming  irrelevant  in  an  era  of  profound  and
                                                                   accelerating change.

                                                                   Renowned  thought  leader  on  business  strategy  and
                                                                   innovation  Steve  Dennis  argues  that  most  business
                                                                   transformations are doomed to fail due to two fundamental
                                                                   reasons:  their  leaders  don’t  aim  high  enough,  delivering
                                                                   mostly  incremental  changes  rather  than  something  truly
                                                                   remarkable, and they move far too slowly to keep up with
        Steve  Dennis  is  a  strategy  and  innovation  consultant,  keynote   the pace of disruption. This gap between what is required
        speaker, podcast host, and bestselling author of Remarkable Retail.   in  a  world  of  seismic  shifts  in  technology  and  customer
        He  has  been  named  a  top  global  retail  influencer  by  multiple   requirements and what is typically delivered risks putting
        organizations, and his thoughts on the future of shopping are regularly   many organizations on the road to extinction.
        shared in his role as a Forbes Senior Contributor, as well as through
        other media, including CNN, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg.   Solid  strategy,  team  building,  and  process  planning  are
        As  a  sought-out  keynote  speaker,  Steve  has  delivered talks  on six   essential—and there are plenty of books out there to show
        continents, sharing his unique perspective on what it takes to reignite   you how to improve them all—but these elements are not
        customer growth in a world of constant change and shifting consumer   enough on their own to ensure success. During a 40-year
        preferences.  Steve  is  the  President  of  SageBerry  Consulting  and  a   career where he ascended to the senior leadership roles at
        former SVP at the Neiman Marcus Group. He serves on multiple for   two Fortune 500 companies, followed by becoming an in-
        profit and non-profit boards.                              demand  strategic  advisor  and  keynote  speaker,  Dennis
                                                                   observed  C-suite  executives  underestimate  the  scope,
         Sales: Star Book Sales LLP                                magnitude, and speed of change needed to survive, much
         T: 01404 515050
         E:                            less thrive. In Leaders Leap, he makes the case for why a                                 complete metamorphosis of leadership mindset is essential
                                                                   to  prevent  organizations  from  becoming  irrelevant  and
         Orders: Combined Book Services Ltd.                       explores  seven  profound  “mind  leaps”  leaders  need  to
         Phone: 01892 837171                                       make now to transform at the speed of disruption.

         Prices and specifications are provisional and are subject to change
         without notice.              16/02/2024
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