P. 94


        Wings But No


        Ken Smith, His Life And Stories

        C. K. Smith

          Offers a personal account of one man’s journey from HMS Victory to being an early recruit of the SAS/SBS.
          Chronicles lived experience in some of the most celebrated SAS battles of World War Two.
          Explores the lasting impact of the Second World War

        Wings But No Angel details Ken Smith's remarkable journey from choirboy on HMS Victory to the Royal
        Marines and then the Special Air Service/ Special Boat Service.

        Ken saw action on the North Atlantic, Arctic and Mediterranean convoys before volunteering for the SAS and
        being involved in some of its most celebrated battles of WW2. During the Villa Punta raid in Yugoslavia, he was
        wounded and carried a bullet in his shoulder for the rest of his life. Five weeks later, he was part of a specially
        selected 18-man force in Operation Fry, during which the regiment's sole Victoria Cross was posthumously
        awarded to his officer, Anders Lassen.

        Wings But No Angel is not just a story about the SAS. It is about Ken's formative years that enabled him to
        become part of a legendary fighting force and the lasting impact WW2 had on him. It charts his tough
        transition from a special forces soldier to civilian life.

        Written by one of his ten children this book is informative, entertaining and at times darkly humorous as it
        highlights the personal story behind the action.

        C.K Smith is a son of Ken Smith who made a promise to record his fathers stories before they were lost. He
        has led a full and adventurous life including: Arctic Survival Expedition Served in the Persian Gulf, Desert and
        Mountain rescue, Surf Lifeguarding, Worlds longest ocean kayak race and climbed Mount Kenya, Africa's
        second highest mountain. He credits his fathers Genes/DNA and upbringing for any achievements. He now
        lives in North Devon.

        Publication Date: 28th August 2024               £16.99                            ISBN: 9781805144656
        Thema subject category: DNBH – Biography: historical, political and military
        paperback     234 x 156 mm      432 pp     Portrait    Author location: North Devon

       Sales: Star Book Sales LLP
       T: 01404 515050
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