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Our Staff                                                 Eric S. Buehler
                                                                  Managing Director

        A. Wayne Overton                                          Eric    joined     the
        President (Retired)                                       firm    fulltime     in
                                                                  September         2001
        Wayne is the son of the founder, Arthur                   and           became
        W.    Overton,     and                                    manager          upon
        joined the firm in                                        Wayne’s retirement
        1983. Wayne  holds                                        at  the  beginning
        a BA in Psychology,                                       of 2004. Eric is the
        an MS and Ed D. in                                        son of Nancy, the                   Eric Buehler
        Education.      He    is                                  grand  nephew  of  Wayne,  grandson  of
        also a graduate of                                        Fred, and great grandson of Arthur. He
        American Academy                                          is a graduate of New York University and
        McAllister Institute  Wayne and Lois Overton              American Academy McAllister Institute
        of Funeral Service.  Wayne was the first                  of Funeral Service. Eric enjoys being
        president of Hospice of the South Shore,                  active in the community, serving on
        a past president of the Islip Chamber                     the boards of the Rotary Club of Islip
        of Commerce, ex-chief of the Islip Fire                   (twice as President), Islip Chamber of
        Department, past commander of the                         Commerce (Past President), the Islip Fire
        Great South Bay Power Squadron and a                      District (Commissioner),  Town  of Islip’s
        founding member of the Nassau-Suffolk                     Economic Development Commission,
        Funeral Directors Association.  Wayne                     and     Northwell     Health’s     Southside
        retired as Manager at the end of 2003.                    Hospital. He lives with his family in Islip.
                                                                  Eric is an avid film buff, an aspiring
        Nancy V. Buehler                                          screenwriter and enjoys to travel.
        Vice President
                                                                  Michael G. Folks

        Nancy joined the firm in 1983 and                         Funeral Director
        serves as  Vice President. She is the
        g r anddaugh t er                                         Originally  a funeral director from
        of    the     founder                                     Sayville,  Mike  has
        and daughter of                                           been with us since
        longtime  previous                                        1996. He has a
        manager, the late                                         Bachelor’s     degree
        Fred L. Voss and the                                      from  St. Joseph’s
        late Shirley Overton                                      College     and     an
        Voss.     Nancy      is                                   AAS  in  Mortuary
        responsible         for           Nancy Buehler           Science           from
        accounting, payroll, record keeping,                      Nassau Community                   Michael Folks
        and correspondence. Nancy is a lifelong                   College. He married his wife Maria in
        Islip resident and is a graduate of the                   1996, has two sons and is a resident
        Katherine Gibbs School. She enjoys                        of  West Islip. Mike has worked in the
        scrapbooking, walking, and spending                       funeral industry since he was seventeen
        time with her granddaughter. Nancy is                     years  old  and  after  twenty  five-plus
        also one of four Notaries employed at                     years in the business, he still loves his
        the funeral home.                                         job and the aspect of helping families in
                                                                  need. In his free time he enjoys running,
                                                                  photography, and being with his family.
                                                                  He is also one of four Notaries employed
                                                                  at the funeral home.

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