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  file a formal objection to admitting the Will to probate.
A hearing on the probate petition is typically scheduled several weeks to months after the matter is filed.
Depending on who the named beneficiaries are, how long before the death the Will was signed, whether the Will was prepared by an attorney, who supervised the “execution” of the Will, and/or whether the Will was executed with certain affidavits, it may be necessary to bring in the persons who witnessed the deceased’s signature on the Will.
If no objections are received, and everything seems in order, the court approves the petition, appoints the fiduciary, orders that taxes and creditors be paid, and requires the fiduciary to file reports with the court to assure all the deceased’s property is accounted for and distributed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Will.
Question #5 Who is responsible for handling probate?
In most circumstances, the executor named in the will takes this job. If there isn’t any Will, or the Will fails to name an executor, the probate court names someone (called an administrator) to handle the process - most often the closest capable relative, or the person who inherits the bulk of the deceased person’s assets.
If no formal probate proceeding is necessary, the court does not appoint an executor. Instead, a close relative or friend serves as an informal estate representative.
Question #6 Should I plan to avoid probate?
The Probate process in New York is not as onerous as it can be in other states such as California. If your loved one left a will and there are substantial assets to administer it is important to consult with a Trusts and Estates attorney that can swiftly guide you through this process so that a fiduciary can be appointed to collect the assets, pay the debts of the Decedent and ultimately distribute the assets in accordance with their last will and testament.
Trust planning can be done in an effort to avoid probate, however, for this to work all assets need to be transferred into the Trust prior to death.
Question #7 What if my loved one died without a Will?
If your loved one died without a Will (known as dying “intestate”), New York State writes a will for them through the New York intestacy statute, a set of laws that states where a persons assets go if they die without a will. The process of getting authority to administer this type of estate is similar to probate. However, it is called an administration. An heir may be able to petition the court to receive the authority to collect the decedent’s assets and administer the estate in accordance with New York Law.

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