Page 2 - Kothali-Thakura (God of Spiritual Pocket)
P. 2


              Our "desire to know" ultimately prompts us towards a divine wakefulness. This is our

              spiritual awareness. For this reason, we used to see the Godly element in each item of

              the world. "KOTHALI-THALURA – “The God of Spiritual Pocket" is a spiritual symbol of

              emotional tying. This represents the secrecy of spirituality as a tradition of worship in

              rural Odisha. The spiritual journey of Prof. Keshab Chandra Dash stands on such a line.

              In spite of his recognition as a man of eminence in the field of Sanskrit literature why

              he became a spiritual seeker and what he obtained ultimately - is the story of such

              KOTHALI-THAKURA - "The God of Spiritual Pocket"
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