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A view of the gallery

                                              Enjoy a Tour of Hist ic Castine from Your Car

                                               Castine is a town rich in historic sites.  As visitors wander through town, they may won-
                                               der what happened here.  In Castine, it could be just about anything from a Dutch raid on
                                               a 17th Century French fort, to a Revolutionary War battle, to current-day midshipmen
                                               training on a former U.S. Navy research vessel.

                                               To help visitors explore and learn about these and many more historic places, take the
                                               Castine Virtual History Tour.  Using the latest technology, the tour features short his-
                                               tories, audio, and galleries of historic images of 27 Castine sites spanning five centuries.
                                               The tour can be taken while you visit Castine, or in the comfort of your own home.

                                               The Castine Virtual Tour is a new way for people to have a deeper understanding and
        connection with Castine’s fascinating history.  Unlike a walking tour map, the tour allows users to learn in-depth about the historic site,
        while also scrolling through a gallery of historic and modern photos, archival documents, and maps found in the collections of the Wil-
        son Museum, Castine Historical Society, Maine Maritime Academy, the town of Castine, and various town clubs.

        The virtual tour is available as a free app that can be downloaded to a mobile device from the Google Play or Apple App Store.  To
        easily access these links, visit  The tour can also be viewed online at
        The project was created by the Castine History Partners which includes the Castine Historical Society, Maine Maritime Academy, the
        Town of Castine, Wilson Museum, and the Friends of Witherle Memorial Library.
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