Page 22 - NAACP Playbook 7.15.19
P. 22

Drug companies are the ones who are restricting seniors’ access to medications by setting prices that
               people can’t afford. And reducing drug prices would help lower premiums. This is a bipartisan,
               commonsense proposal to address the drug industry’s price-gouging of both consumers and taxpayers.

              Why does AARP support policies that would increase drug costs for seniors in Medicare Part D?

               Get real. Big drug companies are spreading these rumors because they know AARP is shining a spotlight
               on their outrageous prices and raking in billions while millions of Americans are struggling to afford the
               medicine they need. We have consistently opposed policies that would weaken Medicare Part D or
               increase prescription drug costs for seniors. The truth is, AARP led the fight for a prescription drug
               benefit in Medicare, and just last year we were instrumental in closing the Medicare prescription drug
               ‘donut hole’ one year earlier, which will save seniors $6.7 billion over the next 10 years. PhRMA is still
               trying to undo the deal and shift more costs onto seniors. Make no mistake, we’re going to keep fighting
               to lower drug prices for people 50+ and stop drug company price gouging.
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