Page 9 - NAACP Playbook 2019 07.15.19_Neat
P. 9


                 AARP volunteers should wear red or white AARPshirts with black pants.

                 Please wear comfortable shoes for standing and walking.
                 Booth Shift: Please arrive 30 minutes before booth time DAILY for for staff
                 meeting, site walk  through, and booth set up.  Your meeting location is the
                 AARP booth on the  showroom floor.

                        FRIDAY,  JULY 19, 2019-  9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. BOOTH SETUP
                        SATURDAY,  JULY 20, 2019 - 11:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. – AARP BOOTH OPEN
                        TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2019 – 12:00 P.M. –  4:00 P.M., BOOTH OPENS –
                        BOOTH BREAKDOWN BEGINS 4:00 P.M.

                 Cell Phone Use: Cell phone use is prohibited during activation and inside the
                 booth. Please make any necessary calls during breaks or lunch.

                 Your duties will include the followingassignments:

                 Booth Activation:

                 1.   Set up and break down booth daily.
                 2.   Display premiums and literature; keep booth area clean and presentable
                      throughout activation.
                 3.   Engage booth guests and encourage participation in Prize Wheel.
                 4.   Distribute prizes to winners.
                 5.   Distribute AARP literature to guests.
                 6.   Answer any questions regarding AARP benefits, services and membership
                 7.   Familiarize yourself with AARP prescription greed FAQs.
                 8.   Restock premiums and literature from storage throughout the activation.
                 9.   Other required tasks as determined to ensure activation is successful through the

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