Page 10 - McDonald's LA Media Junket Playbook
P. 10

Press Conference

                                                  Wendy Lewis is responsible for guiding
                                                  McDonald’s Global Diversity and Inclusion efforts
                                                  across all McDonald’s Corporation business

                                                  functions to enrich the organization’s history and
                                                  culture of opportunity, growth and economic

                                                  impact within diverse communities and strategic
                                                  partnerships. Her primary focus is to direct the
                                                  “Diversity IS Inclusion” business strategy as the

                                                  value proposition for total employee engagement
                                                  for business results. She is also responsible for

                                                  creating innovative and measurable strategic
                                                  alliances with internal and external stakeholders
                                                  and partners as well as support the pipeline
    Wendy Lewis                                   development of diverse and inclusive
    VP, Global Chief Diversity,                   representation within the workforce.

    Inclusion & Community
    Engagement Officer-
    McDonald’s CORP

                                                  As the Head of Cultural Engagement &
                                                  Experiences for McDonald’s Corporation,

                                                  Lizette Williams is responsible for
                                                  developing the vision and plan for the

                                                  organization to be culturally-
                                                  relevant by connecting with consumers
                                                  through their passion points. She

                                                  manages the team that leads music,
                                                  sports and entertainment strategies,

                                                  national events and promotional strategy,
                                                  the national Ronald McDonald program,
                                                  branded content integration, and

  Lizette Williams                                multicultural advertising.                                     10
  Head of Cultural Engagement &
  Experiences- McDonald’s CORP
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