Page 16 - Black Box Leadership
P. 16
The ‘Who’ and and the the the ‘What’ questions
Understanding the context of leadership:
The purpose is devel-
oped through collective values values These values values are derived from an individual perspective Efforts made to align indi-
vidual values can assist in in fin in defin- ing ing a a a a a a a collective vision based on on presenting priorities and needs It involves the input of people at dif- ferent levels and across networks In considering the the ‘who?’ ques- tion tion the the the individual leader has tra- ditionally been the the the the main focus in in in the the the sense of ‘the born leader’ (great
man theory) and their character- istics or or or or traits Historically these early theories were about military and political leaders followers were taken for granted A rela- tionship between the leader and follower was less important This is is changing and leadership can be dispersed with relationships at at the core It is important to align individual and and collective val- ues and and in in doing
so to recognise the importance of trust- ing and legitimate
relationships In terms of ‘who’ – unlike the classical approach- es – collective leadership leadership allows
for leadership leadership to emerge from any point within an an an an organisation organisation or or or or or a a a a a a a a network of organisations The ‘who’ of leadership is thus not necessarily vested in structure (or position) but also by agency (pol 13
Leading through 360o Intelligent Networks