Page 3 - GMKC MAR Newsletter (Civic design)
P. 3

विशेष आमंत्रित संपादक :

                                                                                        श्री. राघि साडेकर (क ु ित)

       Come  February  and  Kuwait  starts   come in Dubai, as overall in Kuwait
       preparations  for    National  Day  &   & G.C.C., the pandemic has affect-
       Liberation Day – 25  & 26  Febru-     ed  us    to  a  great  extent.      Mean-
       ary under ‘HALA February’ celebra-
                                             while, we have started our Kuwait
       tions.    Every  year  since  1999,  Ku-
                                             Chapter  FB  page  and  have  over
       wait  celebrates  Hala  February
                                             150  members  from  Kuwait  &
       without fail with great joy. The Ha-
                                             worldwide.  Moreover,  we  also
       la February event is all about cele-
       brating  spring  and  bettering  the   have joined around 4- 5 key Mara-
       local economy. The event is a ma-     thi  Business  worldwide  virtual
       jor  touristic  attraction  in  Kuwait.   Groups  and  shared  a    few  of  our
       You  will  know  exactly  when  it    key  webinars      to  over  50k  mem-
       starts when you see the entire city   bers  globally  including  G.C.C.  Ma-
       covered in lights !
                                             harashtra Mandals.
       The  February  Kuwait’s  Liberation
                                             Meanwhile, as the Kuwait  vaccines
       Day  reminds  me  of  my  August
                                             start to be administered, let’s look
       1990 period in Kuwait, when I was
                                             towards  2021  with  hope  –  one
       stuck  here  for  over  two  months
                                             thing  is  for  sure,  this  year,  we  all
       during  Iraq  invasion  and  finally
       reached India through the AIRLIFT     will  be  more  happy  to  show  our
       operations  of  AIR-INDIA  through    Vaccine arm rather than  our new
       RED-CROSS camps in Jordan. I had   iPhone Pro !!
       an  amazing  experience  working

       with RED CROSS assisting   strand-
       ed Indians too.

       Do look into  the   Fires of Kuwait
       video during the Arabian Gulf war
       at the end….                                                                        Interesting  Documen-
                                                                                           tary of  ‘’FIRES OF KU-
       As an Energy & Homeland Security
                                                                                           WAIT”  on  Page. 53
       Consultant  (technical  information

       services) in Kuwait, we see COVID
       has  a  major  reflection  on  the  ICT

       industry  &  is    taking  digitally    the
       gulf  economy  forward,  inspite  of                                                                  3
       low  oil  prices.  We    now  anxiously
       await  the  EXP02020  event  out-
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