Page 3 - I lina'la-hu
P. 3

About The Author

             Coloma  Castro  is  a student at Hopwood  Middle

             School (HMS). He  resides on a  farm in   Finasisu.   He

             enjoys playing music and sports.  His favorite sport is

             tackle football and  also enjoys  hanging out  with
             friends.  He  believes that  reviving  our  cultures is

 Copyright ©2017 by Coloma Castro   essential as we develop newer customs, and that we
             continue  to learn,  teach,  and  speak  our native

             languages to preserve our culture.

 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

 reproduced in any form by any electronic or

 mechanical means without permission in writing

 from the publisher.                            Dedicated to:
             The Jungle Boys of Pagan and Alamagan and other
             families who fight to protect our Northern Islands.

 Publisher: Lady Diann Torres Foundation
                         In Memory of Mayor +Jerome Aldan
 First print: May 2017

 Editor: NMI Indigenous Affair’s Office

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