Page 109 - The Sacred and Divine Liturgy
P. 109

  both dikiri and trikiri exclaims: May your light shine... the Hi­ erarch blesses, while the chanters chant Ton despotin...4
After this the Hierarch with lifted hands says: Heavenly King, while the deacons say: Glory to God in the highest... and so on. When the dialogue between the Hierarch and deacon is completed, the first priest approaches for a blessing and then enters the altar through the side doors. The (first) deacon stands in front of the holy doors and after bowing first to the Hierarch says: Bless, Master. The first priest takes into his hands the holy Gospel and lifting it up makes the sign of the cross and says: Blessed is the Kingdom...5 After this the priest takes his place to the right side of the Holy Table where he says (unless there is a deacon) the litany of peace and with it the exclamation: For to You belongs...6 Thereafter, the same priest goes to the holy doors, bows to the Hierarch and then returns again to his place. The deacon stands next to the Hierarch, awaiting the conclu­ sion of the first antiphon.
Before the end of the first antiphon, the second priest asks a blessing from the Hierarch and having kissed his hand enters into the altar through the northern doors and stands in his place to the left of the Holy Table.7 When the (second) antiphon has been completed the deacon once again goes to his place and says the small litany (or it may be said by another priest, if there is no deacon). The second priest gives the exclamation, and having come to the holy doors, proceeds to bow before the Hi­ erarch and then returns to his place.
At the end of the second antiphon, all of the remaining priestly celebrants come forward to take the blessing of the Hi­ erarch and then enter the altar by the northern and southern doors. The third priest in rank gives the exclamation at the small litany and then bows to the bishop from the holy doors.
4 V. Nikolajević, Veliki tipik, p. 264.
5 Činovnik Arhijerejskog sveštenosluženja, p. 16.
6 V. Nikolajević, Veliki tipik, p. 264.
7 V. Nikolajević, Veliki tipik, p. 264.

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