Page 15 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 15
Liturgical Series
Liturgical Series
The Forgotten Mystery
The Ecclesial Consequences of Holy Chrismation
by Fr. Vasileios Thermos
The understanding densely expressed in this book, which offers a distinctive, fresh, and helpful contribution to the discussion on Confirmation, is subsequently elabo- rated in several chapters in this volume. The magnitude of references from Sacred Scripture and from the Holy Fathers that the author found supporting this bond be- tween Chrismation and ecclesial practice is amazing. The almost complete forgetful- ness of Holy Chrismation, along with its detachment from the ancient Church practice when it was a bishop’s duty, led the priests to celebrate it in literally a few sec- onds and the lay fellows to ignore its inner power. We hope that the Holy Spirit guides the readers of this book in discovering the forgotten treasure that He implanted in their hearts, and develop it further in ac- complishing their vocation in Christ.
Eucharist—the Ultimate Mystery of the Risen Christ The Eucharistic Theology of
St. Nicholas Cabasilas
Евхаристија – последња Тајна
Васкрслог Христа
Евхаристијско богословље Светог Николе Кавасиле
by Fr. Gajo Gajić
This study focuses on the Eucharistic the- ology of the Byzantine theologian Nicho- las Cabasilas (d. c. 1390). It examines the presence of the divine and its transmission in the Divine Liturgy. The idea of the mys- tical representation and the reenactment of “Christ’s death and resurrection”, occu- pies a central place in Orthodox liturgical experience. The nature and function of li- turgical symbolism, the dominating fea- ture of Cabasilas’ approach, is treated fairly briefly using the following themes: the Eu- charist as culmination of all the sacra- ments, the transformative effect of the Eu- charist on man, human collaboration with God, the Eucharistic sacrifice, the epicle- sis, and the Eucharist as a grace-filled event of justification, transfiguration and resur- rection.
In Serbian
280 pages, soft bound, published in 2017 price $20
192 pages, soft bound, published in 2016 price $20