Page 13 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 13
Liturgical Series
Liturgical Series
Света и Божанска Литургија Светога Оца нашега Јована Златоуста
A new Serbian edition of the primary di- vine service of the Orthodox Church, pub- lished by St. Sebastian Press of the Western American Diocese. This translation is an adapted version of the texts of accurate Serbian translations already existed in pre- viously published service books. All previ- ously existing translations were checked for accuracy and consistency and edited, when necessary. In the supplementary ma- terial a detailed explanation for the Hierar- chical Liturgy is included. The book is in full color, entirely illustrated by Fr. Stama- tis Skliris’ icons and frescos.
In Serbian
76 pages, hard bound, published in 2018 price $15
Akolouthia of Our Sovereign Lady the Mother of God
– Queen of the Angels
(Los Angeles)
Celebrated on the Saturday
of Bright Week
Every year on the Saturday of Bright Week, the Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Angels (Los Angeles) is celebrated, and the icon of the Mother of God, Protectress of Los An- geles, is venerated at the St. Steven’s Serbi- an Cathedral in Alhambra, Los Angeles. For that purpose, the Akathist to the Moth- er of God Los Angeles was composed on the Holy Mountain of Athos by Athanasi- os, hieromonk of Simonopetra, Hymnog- rapher of the Holy Great Church of Christ, at the pious request of the Most Reverend Bishop of Western America Maxim 2013. This book contains the full service: ves- pers, liti, stichos, orthros, kanon, lauds, troparion, kontakion, etc.
28 pages, softbound, published in 2015 price $9