Page 12 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 12
Liturgical Series
Liturgical Series
The Sacred and Divine Liturgy оf our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom /
Света и Божанска Литургија Светога Оца нашега Јована Златоуста
This is a bilingual, English and Serbian edition of the primary divine service of the Orthodox Church. Both translation are an adapted version of the texts of accurate English and Serbian translations already existed in previously published service books, and various Greek, English, and Slavonic liturgical manuals. Modern Eng- lish and Serbian have been chosen for this edition, following the most common order to be found in the Greek and Slavonic lan- guage service books which reflect the ec- clesial tradition. The dialogues between the celebrant and the deacon are also in- cluded with brief Rubrics. In the supple- mentary material a detailed explanation for the Hierarchical Liturgy is included. Тhe book is in full color, entirely illustrat- ed by Fr. Stamatis Skliris’ icons and fres- cos.
Bilingual: Serbian and English
142 pages, hard bound, published in 2019 price $30
The Sacred and Divine Liturgy оf our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom
Here is a new English edition of the pri- mary divine service of the Orthodox Church, published by St Sebastian Press of the Western American Diocese. This trans- lation is an adapted version of the texts of accurate English translations already ex- isted in previously published service books, especially the translation of the Greek Or- thodox Archdiocese of America and the Greek Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, and various Greek, English, and Slavonic liturgical manuals. All previously existing translations were checked for ac- curacy and consistency and edited, when necessary. Modern English has been cho- sen for this edition, following the most common order to be found in the Greek and Slavonic language service books which reflect the Byzantine tradition. The dia- logues between the celebrant and the dea- con are also included with brief Rubrics. In the supplementary material a detailed ex- planation for the Hierarchical Liturgy is included. Тhe book is in full color, entirely illustrated by Fr. Stamatis Skliris’ icons and frescos.
76 pages, hard bound, published in 2018 price $15