Page 11 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 11

Hagiographical Series
Hagiographical Series
Holy New Serbian Martyrs
Edited by Johann Gascoigne
In the last century, the Orthodox Church received hundreds of thousands if not mil- lions of martyrs. Former Yugoslavia is just one place that was blessed once again by the blood of martyrs. This book gives a glimpse into a few lives of those who were martyred for their faith. Despite being small, within are marvels of endurance and triumphs which match the martyrs of old.
The martyrs in the book follow in a strong tradition of martyrs. Father Rafailo was named for a monk-martyr of Hilandar, the royal Serbian lavra, when he was tonsured a monk. In others you can see the spirit of St. Sava, a martyr through asceticism, and St. Habbakuk the deacon whom the Turks impaled.
Biography of Bishop Mardarije / Животопис Владике Мардарија
by Dragoslav Dragutinović /
Драгослав Драгутиновић
The Holy Assembly of Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church during its regu- lar session on May 29, 2015, added the name of Bishop Mardarije (Uskoković) of Libertyville to the Dyptich of Saints (Cal- endar of Saints) of the Orthodox Church. The author of this biography guides us through the life of this clergyman and preacher of the Gospel, God-pleasing ser- vant of holy life, and inspirer of many mis- sionaries. Born in Montenegro, tonsured in Studenica Monastery, Serbia, educated in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and else- where in the Russian Empire, called and placed to work in the Church and with the people in the diaspora in North America, Mardarije was manifested as a man of an entirely unusual spiritual format. His truly missionary work extended from the very end of Eastern Europe in distant Russia to the very western end of even more distant America.
In Serbian
184 pages, softbound, published in 2017 price $20
pages 80, softbound, forthcoming in 2021 price $20

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