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 Sebastian Orthodox Press is one of the prevalent and most dynamic publishers of Christian publications on the West
Coast and the USA.
Established in 2006 by the Serbian Or-
thodox Diocese of Western America and named in honor of a first American born Or- thodox priest, Saint Sebastian (Dabovich), Sebastian Press is a second of the most exten- sive, most valued resources for Orthodox books and other materials in the English- speaking world.
With over 150 quality popular titles pub- lished, from many of the best living Ortho- dox writers in English, we also publish trans- lations of the exciting and resourceful works of Serbian, Greek, and other theologians to English.
Sebastian Press is building its reputation for promoting high quality theological, his- torical, pastoral, spiritual, scriptural, hagio- graphical, philosophical, patristic, and icono- graphical writings in its repertoire. Besides being available in the traditional format, books are also available electronically, on the Kindle, iBook, and other book readers. Through a partnership with Interklima, In- diktos, Alexander Press, and Simonopetra Monastery, Sebastian Press became the Or- thodox hagiographical books’ primary dis- tributor.
We also responded to a growing need by offering high-quality, full-color Orthodox books for children.
Due to growing demand, during the 2014 and beyond, Sebastian Press expanded be- yond its original publishing goals, giving spe-
cial attention to the publishing of new titles for teens and families, including video and audio programs, icon and candle production, greeting cards, calendars, and canvas repro- ductions.
Our hard-working staff seeks to fruitfully enrich and deepen the faith of Christians from all over the world with various titles, embracing a diversity of Orthodox Tradi- tions, and publishing significant works. It in- cludes St. Bishop Nicholai of Zicha, St. Justin of Chelije, John Zizioulas, Aimilianos of Si- monopetra, Stamatis Skliris, Vasileios Gon- dikakis, Atanasije Jevtic, Christos Yannaras, Nicholas Constas, George Kordis, etc.
Sebastian Press staff provides all custom- er service, and we can quickly connect cus- tomers with the appropriate ministry if they need more information about programs and materials.
With the Sebastian Press publishing en- deavor, Orthodox theology becomes accessi- ble in a global sense—we receive orders from throughout America, Canada, Australia, Eu- rope, and even Asia. In the words of Arch- bishop Demetrios, “With the publications of Sebastian Press, not only the American but the entire Anglophone world is enriched with the written works of Orthodox theolo- gians, abolishing the boundaries and distanc- es of space and time.”
Sebastian Press is located in Los Angeles, at the Western Diocese headquarters of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It is registered as a subordinate ministry of Western American Diocese.

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