Page 25 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 25
Psychology Series
Psychology Series
God, Psychology,
and Faith in Dialogue by Steven-John M. Harris
This book is an exploration into how psy- chology, especially psychotherapy, in dia- logue with the spiritual practices of the Church, might contribute to the Chris- tian’s walk with Christ. The author explores the question whether psychological in- sights and an increased awareness of the human mind help each of us to more ef- fectively and authentically avail ourselves of such practices as Confession and Re- pentance. Holding to this question, this book offers examples of the human condi- tion and illustrates how our defenses ob- struct the human person from participat- ing in a deeper relationship with God and others.
330 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $20
Pain, Suffering and Resilience
Orthodox Christian Perspectives
edited by Stephen Muse, James Burg, and Halina Woroncow
This volume is a compilation edited from peer-reviewed papers selected from pre- senters at the 2016 and 2017 national con- ferences of the Orthodox Christian Asso- ciation of Medicine, Psychology and Religion which includes eminent scholars, clergy, physicians, and psychotherapists. This is the unifying thread for each of the contributors who bring this ancient Chris- tian perspective into dialogue with the contributions of modern psychology and medical science as they seek to address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of pain and human suffering in a variety of contexts. The first half of the book focuses on the nature and problem of suffering, moving from the theological challenge of the story of Job and the prob- lem of evil, to address the challenges of ad- diction and psychopathology, military medicine and trauma in combat as well as in the community. In the second half of the book, stories, reflections and discussions of chaplains, physicians, priests and psy- chotherapists drawing from the well of Or- thodox spiritual life, illumine the nature of resilience, revealing a greater depth to the human person.
326 pages; softbound, published in 2018 price $20