Page 26 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 26
Psychology Series
Psychology Series
Soul and Psyche as a Surprise
Psychoanalysis and Orthodox
Theology in Dialogue
edited by Evdoxia Delli and Vasileios Thermos
This volume signifies the first opportunity of Orthodox theologians to collectively elaborate on Psychoanalysis in addressing an English-speaking audience. The major- ity of the chapters (nine of eleven) are the revised presentations of a one-day work- shop organized by the National Research Foundation of Greece on December 1, 2018. While the encounter between Psy- choanalysis and Christianity had already been fruitful in Catholic and Protestant contexts, the endeavor to bring Orthodox Theology closer with psychoanalytic theo- ry is in practice more difficult than it looks. This volume will hopefully reach a variety of readers, who may represent the entire range between psychological and theologi- cal sciences. Ó00 pages, softbound, pub- lished in 2021
300 pages, softbound, published in 2021 price $30
Parenting in Repentance
Growing Together in Love, Gratefulness, and Joy
by Fr. Dn. Stephen Muse
With vulnerability and transparency, Fr. Stephen Muse draws on his journals of over thirty years, to offer glimpses of par- enting as a lifelong spiritual journey—a journey none of us is ever fully prepared to take. He draws us in by sharing stories of wonder, joy, and pain from moments in his life that became divine messages. Part memoir, part catechism and part call to ac- tion, readers will discover parenting re- vealed as a path to salvation, as the author reminds us of the vital importance of rela- tionship with the source of love and life— our Triune God—Who renders the small- est encounters capable of bringing redemptive transformation through love. Read this book and you will never ap- proach parenting in the same way again.
120 pages, soft bound, published in 2022 price $15