Page 30 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 30
Patristic Series
Patristic Series
Patrology, Vol. 2 / Патрологија 2
Ecclesiastical Fathers and Writers of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries of the Church
by Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić)
This volume contains ecclesiastical Fathers and writers of the fourth and fifth centu- ries of the Church, their life, teaching, the- ology and original texts. As a continuation of Patrology vol 1, this volume contains historical, hagiographical, liturgical, ca- nonical, and other sources and insights into the life of the Church and the thoughts of Palestinian, Alexandrian, Cappadocian, Antiochian, Constantinopolitan, Syrian- Armenian, and Monastic Fathers, includ- ing heretical writers as well.
Patrology Vol. 3 / Патрологија 3
Holy Fathers and Ecclesiastical Writers of the East from the 4th Council of Chalcedon to the 8th Photius Ecumenical Council (451-881)
Свети Оци и црквени писци Истока од 4. Халкидонског до 8. Фотијевог Васељенског Сабора (451-881.г.)
by Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić)
This volume presents the period from the Council of Chalcedon (451) until St. Pho- tius and his disciple, Cyril and Methodius. It offers a brief history of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Ecumenical Councils and their decisions. The great Justinian I and Corpus Areop- agiticum are explored extensively together with the post-Chalcedonian theologians (known as Neo-Chalcedonians: two Leon- tii) and Patriarchs of Constantinople. Fur- ther, the Fathers of Holy Land and Sinai are surveyed with two leading theologians, St. Sophronius of Jerusalem and Maximus the Confessor. The theology of the icon is presented through the teachings of St. John Damascene, Theodore Stoudite. The book concludes with St. Photius and his disciple, Cyril and Methodius, together with Church hymnographers and Isaak the Syrian.
In Serbian
654 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $30
In Serbian
864 pages, softbound, published in 2016 price $30