Page 31 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 31

Patristic Series
Patristic Series
Patrology Vol. 4 / Патрологија 4
Latin Fathers and Writers from Nicaea to 11th Century Латински Оци и писци од Никеје до 11. века
by Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić)
This volume surveys the Latin and West- ern Fathers and writers from the Council of Nicaea until the schism in the 11th cen- tury. The author offers some fundamental remarks on the theology, sources, and in- fluence of the Latin Fathers, in particular, Ambrose, Hilarius, Lactantius, Rufinus, Jerome, John Cassian, Cassiodorus, Au- gustine, Pope Gregory the Great, Martin, Anselm of Canterbury, etc. The most im- portant theological figures of this period had the most influence on the early medi- eval church. Those fathers who wrote in Latin are called the Latin (Church) Fa- thers.
Patrology, Vol. 5 / Патрологија 5
Holy Fathers and Teachers of the Church in the East: From Photius the Great
(9th century) to the Fall of Constantinople (1453)
by Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić)
This monumental fifth volume of Patrolo- gy covers the period after St. Photius in- cludes the analysis of the writings of Arethas of Caesarea, Patriarch Nicholas the Mystic, Michael Pselos and John Italos, Symeon the Metaphrast, Euthymius Ziga- vinos, the Patriarchs of Constantinople: Athanasius I, Callistus, Philotheus Koki- nos, and others. Special introduction is dedicated to a group of significant theolo- gians, Nicholas Cabasilas, Gregory Pala- mas, and Mark of Ephesus. A larger group of writers from the Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian peoples is included, together with the interpreters of the holy canons: Aristenos, Zonaras, and Balsamon. The book describes attempts to form a union with Rome. To arouse interest in the works of the Fathers, the author provided numer- ous excerpts of Patristic writings.
In Serbian
560 pages, softbound, published in 2019 price $30
In Serbian
320 pages, softbound, published in 2019 price $30

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