Page 33 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 33

Patristic Series
Patristic Series
The Mystery of the Lord’s Incarnation /
О тајни оваплоћења Господњег
St. Ambrose of Milan /
Свети Амвросије Милански
In this work, whose earliest possible date seems to be late in the year 381, St. Am- brose refutes the Arians who denied the proper divinity of the Lord, and refutes the Docetae and Apollinarians who denied our Lord’s true humanity. The work is di- vided into three parts. Ambrose added an appendix, consisting of an answer to an objection raised by Palladius of Ratiara af- ter the Council of Aquilaia, and referred to Ambrose by Gratian.
In Serbian
112 pages, softbound, published in 2017 price $10
Свети Максим Исповедник: Живот и избор дела
са уводима, схолијама и студијама
St. Maximus the Confessor: Life and Selected Writings with Introduction, Commentaries, and Studies
edited by Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić)
St Maximus the Confessor, the greatest of Byzantine theologians, lived through the most calamitous period the Byzantine Em- pire was to experience before the Cru- sades. This book introduces the reader to the times and upheavals during which Maximus lived. It discusses his cosmic vi- sion of humanity and his Christology. The study makes available several of Maximus’ theological treatises, many of them trans- lated for the first time in Serbian. The translations are accompanied by lucid and informed introductions. Bishop Atanasije Jevtic, Professor Emeritus at the University of Belgrade, who is the author of many works on the Christian tradition, among them Christ, the Alpha and Omega, Sebas- tian Press 2007.
In Serbian
464 pages, softbound, co-published in 2012 price $20

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