Page 34 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 34

Patristic Series
Patristic Series
On the Road to Being
St Maximus the Confessor’ Syn-odical Ontology
by Dionysios Skliris
Study in the Thought of St Maximus the Confessor
by Dionysios Skliris
St Maximus sees history as a space of onto- logical dialogue between God and man, where God proposes reasons (λόγοι) for how He wants nature to be in the future, and man responds in historical ways— thruough the modifications of his nature in view of the eschatological end (τέλος) or the purpose of history where nature will be true through the synergy of God and man. The “place” of this dialogue is par ex- cellence the Christ who gathers in His Per- son the words (λόγοι) of God, but also His new surprising responses to human his- torical modifications.
In Greek
120 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $20
Тhe present volume articulates a “dromic ontology”, based on the thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor. The meaning of this ontology is that being is not perfect in the beginning, but is expected to be real- ized after a historical trajectory (“δρόμος”) at the end of History. In this sense, we are not yet “beings”. We are “on the road” to being, which will be achieved in the future. This “ontology of the way” is based on a relevant “ontology of the mode”. The work of this volume is first of all a philological investigation of Maximian terms, the ways they are used in different contexts, their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations etc. The evolution in the use of these terms in relation to similar but also different uses by other Fathers before and after Saint Maximus is also of great interest. After this philological investigation comes a theo- logical analysis of Saint Maximus’ vision about what salvation is.
152 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $20

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