Page 36 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 36
Biblical and Hermeneutics Series
Biblical and Hermeneutics Series
In the Beginning
(Expanded Edition)
A Fresh Look at the Early Chapters of Genesis
by Fr. Lawrence R. Farley
The first eleven chapters of Genesis con- tain theological truths which the world ur- gently needs. The present volume offers a verse-by-verse commentary on those chapters based on the Hebrew text, fol- lowed by a series of theological reflections distilling their timeless message. The vol- ume represents an expanded edition of the original work, containing prefaces from the distinguished heads of three Orthodox seminaries, and a final appendix on the Fa- thers’ use of the creation stories.
The Fathers Interpret
Aspects of Patristic Biblical Interpretation
Oци тумаче
Аспекти светоотачког библијског тумачења
by Archbishop Demetrios of America
In The Fathers Interpret, we have six differ- ent studies presenting and analyzing exe- getical approaches. Three of these studies, specifically related to Saint John Chrysos- tom, Hippolytos, and Theodoret, deal with full exegetical commentaries on Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, the book of Prophet Daniel, and the book of Prophet Isaiah. In the two studies related to Igna- tios of Antioch and Justin Martyr, we en- counter a profound usage of properly se- lected and interpreted usage of biblical quotations. The sixth and final study in this book is an exegetical effort on the pericope 2 Corinthians 12:1-13 using plenty of patristic resources.
In Serbian
176 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $15
172 pages, softbound, published in 2019 price $20