Page 37 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 37

Biblical and Hermeneutics Series
Biblical and Hermeneutics Series
The Inner Man
by Archpriest Alexis Pena-Alfaro
The Son of God / Син Божији
Порекло христологије и историја јеврејско-јелинистичке религије by Martin Hengel
This work significantly advances the criti- cal discussion of New Testament Christol- ogy. Hengel examines the titles Son and God. He points toward an inner consis- tency and dynamic in the development of the doctrine of Christ in primitive Christi- anity as the movement proceeded from the Gospels’ account of the death of Jesus to the high Christology present in the Pau- line writings.
In Serbian
128 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $15
In The Inner Man, the author deals with the doctrine of the inner man in accor- dance with the Holy Scriptures and then continued with the clear and unambigu- ous interpretation developed by the Holy Fathers. Further, he deepens the biblical, anthropological perspective and to pro- ceeds toward a clearer understanding of the concept of the soul which appears in generic terms with reference to the inner man. In this attempt, he resorts to the bib- lical texts and inspired commentaries of the Church Fathers on the nature and structure of the inner man.
144 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $15

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