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P. 38

Dogmatic Theology and Ecclesiology Series
Dogmatic Theology and Ecclesiology Series
Broken Bridges
An Introduction to Orthodox Fundamentalism
by Chrysostomos A. Stamoulis
Fundamentalism is a dominant phenome- non in the framework of modern culture which has been experienced around the globe, becoming the object of manifold in- vestigation. It is the attitude that aims to abolish all different points of view and vio- lently establish the one and only point of view: that of the elect, whether of the indi- vidual elect or of the group of elects. With- in Orthodox fundamentalism all too often reference is made to patristic consensus, which constitutes an essential prerequisite for the operatives of church unity. The au- thor believes that sincere dialogue requires respect for difference and reception of oth- erness. Convergences and divergences, rules and exceptions make for an extreme- ly interesting mosaic, which, once more, evinces the existentialist character of the- ology and its ineluctable struggle to endow life and existence with meaning.
112 pages, softbound, published in 2021 price $15
Tο Μυστήριο του Χριστού και το Μυστήριο της Εκκλησίας
Γεώργιος Φλωρόφσκυ και Ιωάννης
Ζηζιούλας σε διάλογο /
The Mystery of Christ and the Mystery of the Church by Nikolaos Asproulis
The book deepens our understanding of hermeneutical conditions, or in other words hermeneutical methodology, based on a comparative and critical reading of the work of Rev. Georges Florovsky (1893- 1979) and Metropolitan John of Pergamon (Zizioulas) (1931-), two leading and widely recognized theologians in the Orthodox, and larger ecumenical Christian, world. In this direction, the fundamental concepts of “Creation,” “History,” “Eschata,” in other words the whole history of salvation, are the pivots upon which the strength of the two hermeneutical patterns is tested. By doing so the author seeks to examine sev- eral core issues like the way of relating the Church to Christ, the role of Revelation in theological methodology, the parameters of the hermeneutical model of the neo- patristic synthesis, the relation between faith and ratio, history and eschaton, etc.
144 pages, only Kindle edition, published in 2009
price $15

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