Page 39 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 39
Dogmatic Theology and Ecclesiology Series
Dogmatic Theology and Ecclesiology Series
Truth and Communion
by John D. Zizioulas Metropolitan of Pergamon
This study was first published in French in Irénikon 50 (1977) as “Vérité et commu- nion dans la perspective de la pensée pa- tristique grecque”.
The way of approaching truth today has become either overly rational or sentimen- tal, that is, individualistic. In this context, this book of Metropolitan John offers us a breath of fresh air and even sheds a light on the modern debate about “post-truth.”
Zizioulas traces the varying approaches to truth in the Patristic era, focusing mainly on its relationship to history. The challenge for the Fathers was to find a way of ex- pressing the ontological character of truth in a way that did justice to the specific rev- elation of God in Christ.
This truth of existence is an eschatological reality but it is given to us sacramentally as an “eikon” to provide us with a foretaste of eternal life. By affirming that truth is not found in that which is self-evident—the truth of the present (and the past) has yet to be determined by the future—John Zizioulas offers an Orthodox version of “post-truth” and dramatically changes the character of the modern debate about the truth.
108 pages, soft bound, published in 2021 price $14
The Meaning of Being Human
by John D. Zizioulas
In this book Metropolitan of Pergamon is dealing with the most contemporary, the most urgent, the most existential issues facing the Church today. The core of au- thor’s argument is that personhood as an ekstatic and hypostatic mode of existence is not subject to any predetermination or necessity. This book provides a perfect op- portunity to look retrospectively at Metro- politan John Zizioulas’ profound theologi- cal vision. It serves both as a significant illustration of his vitality in preserving the continuance of his thought, and of his en- during faithfulness to the constants which permeate his entire theological legacy. Zizioulas arrived at his theological person- alism through studying the Church’s eu- charistic identity. This led him to rethink theology as a whole on the basis of eccle- sial experience as a reflection of Trinitari- an life.
134 pages, soft bound, published in 2021 price $14