Page 35 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 35
Patristic Series
Biblical and Hermeneutics Series
Commentary on the Epistles of St. John the Theologian
by Archimandrite Justin Popovich
This Commentary on the Epistles (First, Second, and Third) of St. John the Theolo- gian was written by the tireless Messenger of Christ forty years ago, in circumstances similar to those in which Christ’s Holy Evangelist John wrote his sacred Epistles. Fr. Justin finishes his commentary on the Second Epistle of St. John with words ded- icated to the same Apostle and Evangelist: “He is simultaneously the greatest Thun- derer of New Testament Truth and the greatest Thunderer of New Testament Love... Upon encountering him, such an extraordinary Apostle, people’s souls must have felt exceptional joy and exceptional elation.” We believe and hope that, through this encounter, the reader of these holy Epistles and this inspired commentary will experience something of this love.
Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday Today and Unto the Ages
by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich
For us in the XXI century, it is important to highlight that the experience/event of Yahweh as Christ is experienced by every era within its own context. This book, con- cerning the historical-eschatological Name of Yahweh, points out the wondrous syn- thesis gifted to us by the biblical and classi- cal Greek understanding of Truth. In this recent and, in every respect, meaningful study, Bishop Athanasius, firmly relying upon the Apostles John and Paul, argues that the Old Testament name of God, “YHWH,” a revealed to Moses at Sinai, was translated by both Apostles (both being Hebrews) into the language of the New Testament in a completely original and ar- ticulate manner. Thus, John carries the word “YHWH” over with “the One Who Is, Who was and Who is to Come” (Rev. 1:8 & 22...), while for Paul “Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today and Unto the Ages” (Heb. 13:8).
Multi lingual
256 pages, soft bound, published in 2011 price $15
96 pages, soft bound, published in 2013 price $18