Page 78 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 78
Off Series
Off Series
Theology as a Surprise
Pastoral and Patristic Insights
by Bishop Maxim Vasiljević
“In this book, Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević) offers us a breath of fresh air. This is not a book of theology in the form we have be- come accustomed to expect: a systematic examination of the usual topics of theo- logical reflection; it is much more than that. Bishop Maxim draws upon Scripture, the Fathers, and Liturgy to address peren- nial and yet very contemporary questions: our experience of time and history, our ex- istence as human persons and the com- plexities of sexuality and gender, our life in the polis and the ekklēsia, and the relation- al presence of an icon in a world saturated with digital images. And he does so in en- gagement with a diverse range of contem- porary thinkers: philosophers, scientists, poets, artists, media figures, and film di- rectors. The theological vision and call that emerges here is indeed a surprise, and one that brings the gospel to bear on all aspects of our life and existence.” — Very Rev. John
240 pages, softbound, published in 2018 price $18
Philotheos (ΦΙΛΟΘΕΟΣ)
An international scholarly journal that provides a forum for a dialogue in philoso- phy and in theology respectively, with a special focus on the dialogue between the two. Founded in 2001, it brings together articles and book reviews of philosophical and theological interest in the broader Christian tradition. Philotheos is published by the Gnomon Center for the Humanities in Belgrade, in cooperation with the Se- bastian Press in Los Angeles and the Cen- ter for Philosophy and Theology in Trebin- je. Bogoljub Šijaković, professor of philo- sophy at the University of Belgrade, is the
founding editor-in-chief of the journal. price $10