Page 8 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 8

Hagiographical Series
The Synaxarion
The lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church by Hieromonk Makarios of Siomonos Petra, Mt. Athos
by Hieromonk Makarios
of Simonos Petra
The Complete Synaxarion consist of 7 hardcover volumes, with 6 volumes, each one covering two months of the liturgical calendar (arranged in sequence by calen- dar date), and with over 550 pages in each volume, illustrated with numerous icons, miniatures, and ornaments from Byzan- tine manuscripts, some of these latter painted by the nuns of Ormylia. Each vol- ume gives brief biographies of many of the saints commemorated each day of the month, an explanation of any major feasts celebrated during the month, plus spiritual readings. In this book, there are mediaeval saints long forgotten and now rediscov-
ered, such as St Sabas of Vatopedi (5 Octo- ber), alongside others who attained sanc- tity in confrontation with characteristically twentieth-century manifestations of evil, such as St Gorazd, Bishop of Slovakia and the Czech Lands (4 September), who was shot by the Nazis in 1942. They, and this book, are the best possible companions for the private devotions of Orthodox Chris- tians, and indeed of all those faithful who wish to live in the Church’s tradition.
price: Volumes 1-6 $60.00 each, Volume 7 $40.00, Whole set $290.00

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